우리나라 굴 양식의 중심해역인 한산만에서 효율적인 채묘예보를 기하기 위한 방안으로써, 이 수역에 발생한 굴 부유유생을 대상으로 하여 각 유생의 발육단계별 출현상황과 생존율을 조사하였다. 1984년 6월 13일 부터 10월 16일까지의 조사기간 중 크기가 약 $72{\times}61{\mu}m$의 D 형 유생은 7월 16일과 9월 20일에 각각 출현 Peak가 있었으며, $189{\times}217{\mu}m$의 umbo 형 유생은 7월 21일과 9월 25일에, $303{\times}308{\mu}m$의 성숙유생은 7월 28일과 9월 30일에 각각 Peak가 있었다. D형유생에서 umbo 형 유생으로 되는데는 약 5일이 걸렸으며, 순간사망률은 0.24, 일간생존율은 0.78, 일간사망률은 0.22, 평균생존율은 약 $29.38\%$였다. umbo형유생에서 성숙유생으로 되는데는 $5{\sim}7$일 소요되었으며, 순간사망률은 0.15, 일간생존율은 0.86, 일간사망률은 0.14, 평균생존율은 약 $38.54\%$였다. D형유생의 발생에서 채묘의 대상이 되는 성숙유생으로 되는데는 $10{\sim}12$일 걸렀으며, 이 기간중의 평균생존율은 약 $11.32\%$였다.
우리나라 굴 양식의 중심해역인 한산만에서 효율적인 채묘예보를 기하기 위한 방안으로써, 이 수역에 발생한 굴 부유유생을 대상으로 하여 각 유생의 발육단계별 출현상황과 생존율을 조사하였다. 1984년 6월 13일 부터 10월 16일까지의 조사기간 중 크기가 약 $72{\times}61{\mu}m$의 D 형 유생은 7월 16일과 9월 20일에 각각 출현 Peak가 있었으며, $189{\times}217{\mu}m$의 umbo 형 유생은 7월 21일과 9월 25일에, $303{\times}308{\mu}m$의 성숙유생은 7월 28일과 9월 30일에 각각 Peak가 있었다. D형유생에서 umbo 형 유생으로 되는데는 약 5일이 걸렸으며, 순간사망률은 0.24, 일간생존율은 0.78, 일간사망률은 0.22, 평균생존율은 약 $29.38\%$였다. umbo형유생에서 성숙유생으로 되는데는 $5{\sim}7$일 소요되었으며, 순간사망률은 0.15, 일간생존율은 0.86, 일간사망률은 0.14, 평균생존율은 약 $38.54\%$였다. D형유생의 발생에서 채묘의 대상이 되는 성숙유생으로 되는데는 $10{\sim}12$일 걸렀으며, 이 기간중의 평균생존율은 약 $11.32\%$였다.
In order to set up a predictive model for effective spat collection of Pacific oyster, Crassostrea gigas, the survival rate and time required at each developmental stage of drifting larvae were surveyed during the period from June 13 to October 16 in 1984 at the main oyster farming area, Hansan Bay,...
In order to set up a predictive model for effective spat collection of Pacific oyster, Crassostrea gigas, the survival rate and time required at each developmental stage of drifting larvae were surveyed during the period from June 13 to October 16 in 1984 at the main oyster farming area, Hansan Bay, the southern part of Korea. The advent of D-shape larvae ca. $72{\times}61{\mu}m$ long had two peaks in that area : July 16 and September 20. Umbo-shape larvae ca. $189{\times}217{\mu}m$ and full grown larvae co. $303{\times}308{\mu}m$ long also showed two peaks: July 21 and September 25 for the former, and July 28 and September 30 for the latter. About five days were required for D-shape larvae to develop to umbo-shape larvae. The instantaneous death rate was 0.24 and the daily survival rate 0.78 with a mean survival rate of $29.38\%$, at this intermorphological stage. The turnover time of umbo to full grown larvae varied from five to seven days with a instantaneous death rate of 0.15, daily survival rate of 0.86 and mean survival rate of $38.54\%$. Ten to twelve days were required for each group of the D-shape larvae to reach a full grown stage, and their mean survival rate was $11.32\%$ during this developmental period.
In order to set up a predictive model for effective spat collection of Pacific oyster, Crassostrea gigas, the survival rate and time required at each developmental stage of drifting larvae were surveyed during the period from June 13 to October 16 in 1984 at the main oyster farming area, Hansan Bay, the southern part of Korea. The advent of D-shape larvae ca. $72{\times}61{\mu}m$ long had two peaks in that area : July 16 and September 20. Umbo-shape larvae ca. $189{\times}217{\mu}m$ and full grown larvae co. $303{\times}308{\mu}m$ long also showed two peaks: July 21 and September 25 for the former, and July 28 and September 30 for the latter. About five days were required for D-shape larvae to develop to umbo-shape larvae. The instantaneous death rate was 0.24 and the daily survival rate 0.78 with a mean survival rate of $29.38\%$, at this intermorphological stage. The turnover time of umbo to full grown larvae varied from five to seven days with a instantaneous death rate of 0.15, daily survival rate of 0.86 and mean survival rate of $38.54\%$. Ten to twelve days were required for each group of the D-shape larvae to reach a full grown stage, and their mean survival rate was $11.32\%$ during this developmental period.
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