To analyze daily meal of royal meal, studied Soora Sang were on record Wonheng Ulmyo Jungri Euigwae(1795). Historic book 'Jungri Euigwae' described the king's visit to his father's royal tomb 'Hyun Neung Won', during the domain of Cheung Jo, the 22nd King of Choson Dynasty. The results obtained from...
To analyze daily meal of royal meal, studied Soora Sang were on record Wonheng Ulmyo Jungri Euigwae(1795). Historic book 'Jungri Euigwae' described the king's visit to his father's royal tomb 'Hyun Neung Won', during the domain of Cheung Jo, the 22nd King of Choson Dynasty. The results obtained from this study are as follows. A dining table was round table with feet as black lacquer. Vessels were brazen vessel, silverware and earthenware. Kinds of dishes indicated as the number of vessels (sets). Food was arranged in two kinds of table, the first one called the main table, the second the side table. The number of sets to be arranged on the table were different according to the royal status of the eater. 15 sets for king's mother, 7 sets for the king and his elder sister, the latter sets being arranged on a single table. Soy and bean paste were ruled out from kind of sets. Kinds of dishes served with a meal generally were cooked rice (飯), soup (羹), heavy soup (助致), jerked meat (佐飯), meat fish and others broiled with seasoning (灸伊), salted fish shrimp and etc, cooked potherbs and potherbs (菜), pickled vegetables (沈菜, 淡沈菜) soy and bean paste (醬). The meat and fish and vegetable in the composition of a menu were well arranged.
To analyze daily meal of royal meal, studied Soora Sang were on record Wonheng Ulmyo Jungri Euigwae(1795). Historic book 'Jungri Euigwae' described the king's visit to his father's royal tomb 'Hyun Neung Won', during the domain of Cheung Jo, the 22nd King of Choson Dynasty. The results obtained from this study are as follows. A dining table was round table with feet as black lacquer. Vessels were brazen vessel, silverware and earthenware. Kinds of dishes indicated as the number of vessels (sets). Food was arranged in two kinds of table, the first one called the main table, the second the side table. The number of sets to be arranged on the table were different according to the royal status of the eater. 15 sets for king's mother, 7 sets for the king and his elder sister, the latter sets being arranged on a single table. Soy and bean paste were ruled out from kind of sets. Kinds of dishes served with a meal generally were cooked rice (飯), soup (羹), heavy soup (助致), jerked meat (佐飯), meat fish and others broiled with seasoning (灸伊), salted fish shrimp and etc, cooked potherbs and potherbs (菜), pickled vegetables (沈菜, 淡沈菜) soy and bean paste (醬). The meat and fish and vegetable in the composition of a menu were well arranged.
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