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[국내논문] Synthesis and Biological Studies of Catechol Ether Type Derivatives as Potential Phosphodiesterase (PDE) IV Inhibitors 원문보기

Archives of pharmacal research : a publication of the Pharmaceutical Society of Korea, v.22 no.2, 1999년, pp.202 - 207  

Rhee, Chung K. (Department of Medicinal Chemistry, R&D Center, Cheil Jedang Corp.) ,  Kim, Jong-Hoon (Department of Medicinal Chemistry, R&D Center, Cheil Jedang Corp.) ,  Suh, Byung-Chul (Department of Medicinal Chemistry, R&D Center, Cheil Jedang Corp.) ,  Xiang, Myung-Xik (Department of Medicinal Chemistry, R&D Center, Cheil Jedang Corp.) ,  Youn, Yong-Sik (Department of Medicinal Chemistry, R&D Center, Cheil Jedang Corp.) ,  Bang, Won-Young (Department of Pharmacology, R&D Center, Cheil Jedang Corp.) ,  Kim, Eui-Kyung (Department of Pharmacology, R&D Center, Cheil Jedang Corp.) ,  Shin, Jae-Kyu (Department of Pharmacology, R&D Center, Cheil Jedang Corp.) ,  Lee, Youn-Ha (Department of Pharmacology, R&D Center, Cheil Jedang Corp.)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

New series of catechol ether type derivatives 5, 6 have been synthesized and applied to biological tests. Even though it is ap preliminary data, some of our target molecules show the promising result against PDE IV inhibition. SAR and biological studies with studies with synthetic compounds will be ...


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