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[국내논문] Antimicrobial Activity and Components of Extracts from Agastache rugosa during Growth Period 원문보기

Journal of food science and nutrition, v.6 no.1, 2001년, pp.10 - 15  

Song, Jong-Ho (Department of Biology, Dong-A University) ,  Kim, Min-Ju (Department of Biology, Dong-A University) ,  Kwon, Hyuk-Dong (Pusan Institute of Health & Environment) ,  Park, In-Ho (Pusan Institute of Health & Environment)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Antimicrobial activities of volatile flavor, water and methanol extracts from Agastache rugosa were investigated. The volatile flavor extract was obtained from A. rugosa by simulataneous distillation-extraction (SDE) method. Antimicrobial activity was investigated by disc diffusion method against se...


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  • The inhibitory effects of the volatile flavor extracts durin응 its growth period are shown in Table 1. The volatile flavor extracts showed antimicrobial activity against tested all microorganisms and exhibited the strongest antimicrobial activity against C. utilis and S. cerevisiae. There was no significant difference among antimicrobial activity of extracts fromA.
  • In conclusion, the volatile flavors from A. rugosa showed strong antimicrobial activity against 7 species bacteria and 2 species yeast, and consisted of estragole, a phenolic compound. The antimicrobial activities of water and methanol extracts and the volatile components were not shown to be significantly different during the growth period.


  • rugosa could be the result of a combined action of several compounds. Further research is in progress by the authors to elucidate the bactericidal mecbanism of volatile compounds either by single compound or by the mixture of the compounds to see the synergistic effects.
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