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[국내논문] 지자기이상을 이용한 동해 독도 및 독도주변의 구조와 성인에 관한 고찰
A Study on the Structure and Origin of the Dokdo and it's Surroundings in the East Sea (Japan Sea) Using Magnetic Anomalies 원문보기

Ocean and polar research, v.24 no.4, 2002년, pp.491 - 500  

김창환 (한국해양연구원 지구환경연구본부) ,  박찬홍 (한국해양연구원 지구환경연구본부) ,  민경덕 (연세대학교 지구시스템과학과) ,  한현철 (한국지질자원연구원 석유해저자원연구부) ,  권문상 (한국해양연구원 연구정책실) ,  심재설 (한국해양연구원 연안.항만공학연구본부) ,  최성호 (국립해양조사원 측량과) ,  오순복 (국립해양조사원 측량과)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Magnetic anomalies in the Dokdo and it's surroundings were investigated with respect to structure and origin of the Dokdo and surrounding seamounts. After normal and diurnal correction of measured magnetic data, crossover correction was applied to reduce errors between sets of magnetic anomalies. Th...


참고문헌 (15)

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  2. 한상준 등. 1998. 동해분지의 해양환경 변화와 지구조 진화연구(2차년도). 101 p. 한국해양연구소(BSPE 98709-00-136-5). 

  3. Blakely, R.V. 1995. Potential theory in gravity and magnetic application. Cambridge Univ. press, p. 141-342. 

  4. Gorodnitsky, M.A. 1995. Anomalous Magnetic Field of the World Ocean. CRC Press, Moscow, p. 171-222. 

  5. Hsu, S.K., J.C. Sibuet, and C.T. Shyu. 1996. High-resolution detection of geologic boundaries from potential-field anomalies: An enhanced analytic signal technique. Geophysics, 61(2), 373-386. 

  6. Jolivet, L., P. Huchon, X. Lepichon, N. Chamot-Rooke, and J.C. Thomas. 1991. Arc Deformation and Marginal Basin Opening: Japan Sea as a Case Study. J. Geophys. Res., 96(B3), 4367-4384. 

  7. Nabighian, N.M. 1972. The analytic signal of two-dimensional magnetic bodies with polygonal cross-section: Its properties and use for automated anomaly interpretation. Geophysics, 37, 507-517. 

  8. Nabighian, N.M. 1974. Additional comments on the analytic signal of two-dimensional magnetic bodies with polygonal cross-section. Geophysics, 39, 85-92. 

  9. Park, C.H. 1998. Crustal structure and evolution of the Ulleung Basin in the east sea of Korea(the Japan Sea) by deep penetrating seismic refraction, reflection, and potential field data. Ph. D. Thesis, Univ. Chiba. p. 10-217. 

  10. Roest, W.R., J. Verhoef, and P. Mark. 1992. Magnetic interpretation using the 3-D analytic signal. Geophysics, 37(1), 116-125. 

  11. Sohn, Y.K. 1995. Geology of Tok Island, Korea: Eruptive and Depositional Processes of a Shoaling to Emergent Island Volcano. Bull. Volcanol., 56, 660-674. 

  12. Sohn, Y.K. and K.H. Park. 1994. Geology of Tok Island, Korea. J. Geol. Soc. Korea., 30(3), 242-261. 

  13. Thurston, J.B. and R.J. Brown. 1994. Automated sourceedge location with a new variable pass-band horizontalgradient operator. Geophysics, 59(4), 546-554. 

  14. Walter, R.R., J. Verhoef, and P. Mark. 1992. Magnetic interpretation using 3-D analytic signal. Geophysics, 57, 116-125. 

  15. White, R. and D. Mckenzie. 1989. Magmatism at Zones: The Generation of Volcanic Continental Margins and Flood Basalts. J. Geophys. Res., 94(B6), 7685-7729. 

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