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[국내논문] 조선산업의 비용분석 데이터 웨어하우스 시스템 개발
Development of Data Warehouse Systems to Support Cost Analysis in the Ship Production 원문보기

산업공학 = IE Interfaces, v.15 no.2, 2002년, pp.159 - 171  

황성룡 (신한기계(주) 부설연구소) ,  김재균 (울산대학교 산업정보경영공학부) ,  장길상 (동국대학교 정보산업학과)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Data Warehouses integrate data from multiple heterogeneous information sources and transform them into a multidimensional representation for decision support applications. Data warehousing has emerged as one of the most powerful tools in delivering information to users. Most previous researches have...


참고문헌 (12)

  1. Brodda, J.(1991), Shipyard Modeling-An Approach to a Comprehensive Understanding of Functions and Activities, Journal of Ship Production, 7(2), 79-93 

  2. Hatchuel, A., Saidi-Kabeche, D. and Sardas, J. C.(1997), Towards a New Planning and Scheduling Approach for Multistage Production Systems, International Journal of Production Research, 35(3), 867-886 

  3. Huang,G. Q. and Mak,K I. (1997), The DFX Shell: A Generic Framework for Developing Design for XTools, Robotics & Computer-Integrated Manufacturing, 13(3), 271-280 

  4. Hwang, S. R.(1999), Unification of BOM and Routings for ClM systems in Hybrid MTO/ETO Environments, Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Ulsan 

  5. Inman, W. H. (1996), Building the Data Warehouse, 2nd Edition, John Willy and Sons 

  6. Ju, H.J. and Han,G.J.(1999), A Study on the Implementation Method of Data Warehouse using CASE Tool, journal of Korean Institute of office Automation, 1(1), 119-130 

  7. Kimball, R.(1996), Data Warehouse Toolkit, John Willy & Sons 

  8. Oracle (1997), Data Warehouse Concept Paper, Oracle Korea 

  9. Park, D.J.and Hwang, I. K.(1999), A Study on the Design of Data Mart for Manufacturing Decision Making, journal of Korean Institute of Plant Engineering, 4(1),35-47,March 

  10. Peng, T. K. and Trappey, A.J.C.(1998), Step Toward STEP- Compatible Engineering Data Management : The Data Models of Product Structure and Engineering Change, Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing, 14(2), 89-109 

  11. Yankee Group(1998), Data Marts for Users of ERP Solutions, Enterprise Application Report, 3(1), Feb 

  12. Wade, M., Koenig, P.C.and Karaszewski, Z.J. etal.(1997), Mid-Term Seallift Technology Development Profram: Design for Production R&D for Seallift Ship Applications, journal Ship Production, 13(1), 57-73 

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