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[국내논문] 수박 접목묘의 활착 특성에 미치는 청색, 적색 및 원적색 발광다이오드의 영향
Graft-taking Characteristics of Watermelon Grafted Seedlings as Affected by Blue, Red and Far-red Light-emitting Diodes 원문보기

한국농업기계학회지 = Journal of the Korean Society for Agricultural Machinery, v.28 no.2 = no.97, 2003년, pp.151 - 156  

김용현 (Division of Bioresource Systems Engineering) ,  박현수 (Dept. of Agricultural machinery Engineering, Chonbuk national University)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

This study was performed to investigate the effect of light quality on evapotranspiration and graft-taking characteristics of watermelon grafted seedlings using blue, red and far-red light-emitting diodes (LED). At initial stage of graft-taking, blue light increased the evapotranspiration rate (EVTR...


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문제 정의

  • 없다. 그러므로 본 연구의 목적은 LED를 인공광원으로 사용하여 청색, 적색 및 원적색의 단색광이 조사된 광환경하에서 활착된 수박 접목묘의 증발산 속도와 활착 특성에 미치는 광질의 효과를 구명하는 데 있다.
본문요약 정보가 도움이 되었나요?

참고문헌 (16)

  1. Brown, C. S., A. C. Schuerger and J. C. Sager. 1995. Growth and photomorphogenesis of pepper plants under red light-emitting diodes with supplemental blue or far-red lighting. J. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. 120(5):808-813. 

  2. Fujiwara, K., S. Isobe and M. Imoto. 2001. Optimum conditions of low light irradiation-CA storage for quality presservation of grafted tomato plug seedlings. Environ. Control in Biol. 39(2):111-120 (In Japanese). 

  3. Fujiwara, K., S. Isobe and M. Imoto. 1999. Effects of controlled atmosphere and low light irradiation using red light emitting diodes during low temperature storage on the visual quality of grafted tomato plug seedlings. Environ. Control in Biol. 37(3):185-190 (In Japanese). 

  4. Hart, J. W. 1988. Light and plant growth. Unwin Hyman Ltd., London, pp. 5-14. 

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  6. Kim, Y. H. 1999. Plant growth and morphogenesis control in transplant production system using light-emitting diodes (LEDs) as artificial light source-Spectral characteristics and light intensity and of LEDs-. J. of the Korean Society for Agricultural Machinery 24(2):115-122 (In Korean). 

  7. Kim, Y. H. 2000a. Effects of air temperature, relative humidity and photosynthetic photon flux on the graft-taking of grafted seedlings under artificial lighting. In: Kubota, C. and C. Chun(eds.) Transplant production in the 21st century. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, The Netherlands, pp. 91-97. 

  8. Kim, Y. H. 2000b. Design of a prototype system for graft-taking enhancement of grafted seedlings using artificial lighting -Effect of air current speed on the distribution of air temperature and relative humidity in a graft-taking enhancement system- J. of the Korean Society for Agricultural Machinery 25(3):213-220 (In Korean). 

  9. Kim, Y. H., C. S. Kim, J. W. Lee and S. G. Lee. 2001a. Effect of vapor pressure deficit on the evapotranspiration rate and graft-taking of grafted seedlings population under artificial lighting. J. of Bio-Environment Contorl 10(4):232-236 (In Korean). 

  10. Kim, Y. H., J. S. Eun and Y. S. Kim. 2001b. Application of light-emitting diodes (LEDs) as an artificial lighting source for micropropagation of in vitro seedlings. Proceedings of the Korean Society for Agricultural Machinery 6(1):161-166 (In Korean). 

  11. Kim, Y. H. and Y. S. Park. 2001. Evapotran-spiration rate of grafted seedlings affected by relative humidity and photosynthetic photon flux under artificial lighting. J. of the Korean Society for Agricultural Machinery 26(4):379-384 (In Korean). 

  12. Okamoto, K., T. Yanagi, S. Takita, M. Tanaka, T. Higuchi, Y. Uchida and H. Watanabe. 1996. Development of plant growth apparatus using blue and red LED as artificial light source. Acta Horticulturae 440:111-116. 

  13. Sale, P. J. M. and D. Vince. 1963. Some effects of light on leaf growth in Pisum sativum and Tropaeolum majus. Photochem. Photobiol. 2:401-405. 

  14. Smith, H. 1975. Phytochrome and photomorphogenesis. McGraw-Hill Co., Ltd, pp.22-53. 

  15. Sung, I. K. and T. Takano. 1997. Effects of supplemental bue and red lights in the morning twilight on the growth of physiological responses of cucumber seedings. Environ. Control in Biol. 35(4):261-266 (In Japanese). 

  16. Yanagi, T, K. Okamoto and S. Takita. 1996. Effects of blue, red, and blue/red ligths of two different PPF levels on growth and morphogenesis of lettuce plants. Acta Horticulturae 440:117-122. 

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