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Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

This paper presents the numerical design technology of a passive orifice fluid damper system especially for the characteristics between the damper piston velocity and the damping force. Numerical analysis with the visual interfacial modeling technique was applied into the analysis of the damper syst...


참고문헌 (15)

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  6. Fitch, E. C. and Hong, I. T., Hydraulic Component Design and Selection, FES Inc., pp. 35-38, 2001 

  7. Lee, J.-C., 'Liner Orifice Fluid Damper Design,' KIMM In-House Seminar, No. 2, 2002 

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  9. Luben, W. L., Process Modeling, Simulation and Control for Chemical Engineers, McGraw Hill, pp. 279-296, 1975 

  10. Lee, J.-C., Im, M.-H. and Hwang,T.-Y., 'On the Analysis of Dynamic Characteristics of Pipe Supporting Hydraulic Snubber in Electric Power Plant with State-space Model and Impulse Testing,' J. of the KSPE, Vol. 19, No. 10, pp. 130-138, 2002 

  11. Lee, J.-C. and Hong, I.-T., 'Computerized Fluid Power Design for Automotive Shassis System,' KSAE Fall Conference, 2000-13-2217, pp. 635-642, 2000 

  12. Kurata, N., Kobori, T., Takahashi, M., Ishibashi, T., Niwa, N., Tagami, J., Midorikawa, H., 'Forced vibration test of a building with semi-active damper system,' Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, Vol. 29, pp. 629-645, 2000 

  13. Lee, J.-C. and Chung, Y.-S., 'A Study on the Estimation of Effective Bulk Modulus of Hydraulic Oil with Pressure Variation,' J. of the KSAE, Vol. 11, No. 1, pp. 179-184, 2003 

  14. HyPneu User's Manual, BarDyne Inc., 2000 

  15. Lee, J.-C. and Hong, I.-T., 'Design an Analysis of Hydraulic Systems on PC's using FESIM,' SAE Technical Paper Series, #891849, 1989 

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