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Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Using a simple continuous optical technique, coupled with measurements of zeta potential, the effects of polyelectrolyte dosage, kaoline particles and pH on flocculation of humic acid by several cationic polyelectrolytes, have been examined. The charge density of a polyelectolyte is important in det...


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AI-Helper 아이콘 AI-Helper

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제안 방법

  • Flocculation tests were carried out in a 300 mL Pyrex beaker with 200 mL of humic acid solutions at a concentration of 25 mg/L containing different kaoiline suspensions (0, 15, 35 and 55 NTU), which were placed into a water bath to maintain a constant temperature (20 ℃). In these cases, the humic acid solutie nsNwere adjusted to pH 5, 7 and 9 with 0.
  • of polyelectrolyte dosing. The results obtained from this study may provide an usefill information on flocculation characteristics between humic acid and cationic polyelectrolytes.


  • Flocculation monitor is a Photometric Dispersion Analyzer (PDA 2000, Rank Brothers, Cambridge, UK), the principles of which have been given by Gregory and Nelson.꺼 Basically, the intensity of narrow beam of light transmitted through a flowing suspension is monitored by a photodetector, the output of which consists of a steady (de) component and a much smaller fluctuating (ac) component (The ac component arises from randon variations in the number of particles in the suspensions and the fact that the sample is continuously being renewed by flow.
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참고문헌 (21)

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  6. Kersting, A. B., Efurd, D. W., Finnegan, D. L., Rokop, D. J., Smith, D. K., Thompson, J. L.. Migration of plutonium in ground water at the Nevada Test Site. Nature, vol.397, no.6714, 56-59.

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  13. Kam, Sang-kyu, Gregory, John. Charge determination of synthetic cationic polyelectrolytes by colloid titration. Colloids and surfaces. A, Physicochemical and engineering aspects, vol.159, no.1, 165-179.

  14. Kretzschmar, R., Holthoff, H., Sticher, H.. Influence of pH and Humic Acid on Coagulation Kinetics of Kaolinite: A Dynamic Light Scattering Study. Journal of colloid and interface science, vol.202, no.1, 95-103.

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  19. Kam, Sang-Kyu, Kim, Dae-kyoung, Ko, Byung-Churl, Moon, Chang-Seong, Lee, Min-Gyu. Flocculation Characteristics of Kaoline Suspensions in Water by Cationic Polyelectrolytes. 한국환경과학회지 = Journal of the environmental sciences, vol.11, no.2, 93-102.

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  21. Kam, Sang-Kyu, Gregory, John. The interaction of humic substances with cationic polyelectrolytes. Water research, vol.35, no.15, 3557-3566.

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