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한국인의 손 치수 및 특성에 관한 연구
Descriptive Survey on the Dimensions and the Characteristics of Korean Hands in General 원문보기

Journal of the Ergonomics Society of Korea = 大韓人間工學會誌, v.22 no.2, 2003년, pp.29 - 44  

정화식 (동신대학교 산업공학과) ,  정형식 (조선대학교 경영학부)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

A variety of research has been conducted on anthropometric dimensions and their applications to various products and space architecture, Also robust research has been conducted on various parts of human body and the possibility of applications. However, research on the specific dimensions regarding ...


참고문헌 (13)

  1. 산업자원부, 국민표준체위조사, 산업자원부 기술표준원 (Agency for Technology and Standards) 섬유화학표준과(www.ats.go.kr), 1997 

  2. 안병준, 인간공학, 통화기연, 1995 

  3. 조장현, 윤명환, 박재희'손가락 굴전 및 신전 동작에 대한 2차원 동작 분석' 대한인간공학회 학술대회 논문집. 366-371. 1998 

  4. Barsley. M.. Left-handed man in a right-handed world. London: Pitman. 1970 

  5. Crouch. J. E. and McClintic. G. R.. Human Anatomy and Physiology. John Willy and Sons. Inc. New York. 1971 

  6. Davies. B. T.. Abada. A.. Benson. K.. Courtney. A.. and Minto. I.. 'Female Hand Dimensions and Guarding of Machines.' Ergonomics. 23. 79-84. 1980a 

  7. Davies. B. T.. Abada. A.. Benson. K.. Courtney. A.. and Minto. I.. 'A Comparison of Hand Anthropometry of Females in Three Ethnic Groups.' Ergonomics. 23. 179-82. 1980b 

  8. Eastman Kodak Company. Ergonomic Design for People at Work. Vol. 1. New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold. 1986 

  9. Garret. J. W.. 'The Adult Human Hand: Some Anthropometric and Biomechanical Considerations.' Human Factors. 13. 117-31. 1971 

  10. National Aeronautics and Space Administration(NASA). Anthropometric Source Book. Volume II: A Handbook of Anthropometric Data. NASA RP-1024. Lyndon Johnson Space Center. Houston. TX. 1978 

  11. Pheasant. S. T.. Body Space: Anthropometry. Ergonomics and the Design of Work. 2nd Ed.. Taylor & Francis. 1996 

  12. Roebuck. J. A.. Kroemer. K. H. E.. and Thomson. W. G.. Engineering Anthropometry Methods. New York: Wiley. 1975 

  13. Sanders. M . S. and McCormick. E. J., Human Factors in Engineering and Design. 7th Ed.. McGraw-Hill International Editions. 1992 

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