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[국내논문] 중등 영재 판별과 교육 프로그램의 비판적 검토 원문보기

英才敎育硏究 = Journal of gifted/talented education, v.13 no.4, 2003년, pp.1 - 28  

최호성 (경남대학교)

초록이 없습니다.

참고문헌 (29)

  1. 김정휘 (1998). 영재학생 식별 편람: 영재학생을 어떻게 찾아내나. 영재학생 교육.심리학 총서 2. 서울:원미사 

  2. 김흥원(2003). 영재의 판별. 박성익 외 공저. 영재교육학원론(pp.103-134). 서울:교육과학사 

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  10. Maker, C. J., & Nelson, A. G.(1996). Curriculum development and teachingstrategies for gifted learners(2nd ed). Austin, TX: Pro-Ed 

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  13. Pegnato, C. M., & Birch, J. W. (1975). Locating gifted children in junior highschools : A comparison of methods, In W. B. Barbe & J. S. Renzulli (eds.).Psychology and education of the gifted. N.Y.: Irving Publishers 

  14. Reis, S. M., Burns, D. E., & Renzulli, J. S. (1992). Curriculum compacting: Thecomplete guide to modifying the regular curriculum for high ability students. Mansfield Center, Connecticut: Creative Learning Press 

  15. Renzulli, J. S. (1978). What makes giftedness? Reexaminmg a definition. Phi DeltaKappan, 60, 180-184 

  16. Renzulli, J. S. (Ed.). (1988). Technical report of research studies related to therevolving door identification model. Storrs, CT: Bureau of EducationalResearch, The University of Connecticut 

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  19. Renzulli, J. F., & Smith, L. H. (1979). A guidebook for developing individualizededucational programs for gifted and talented students. Mansfield Center,Connecticut: Creative Learning Press 

  20. Richert, E. S., Alvino, J., & McDonnel, R. (1982). The national report ionidentification: Assessment and recommendation for comprehensive identification of gifted and talented youth Sewell, NJ: Education Informationand Resource Center for U.S. Department of Education 

  21. Rogers, Karen B. (2002). Re-forming Gifted Education: Matching the program tothe child. Scottsdale, AZ: Great Potential Press 

  22. Sternberg, R. (1981). A componential theory of intellectual giftedness. Gifted ChildQuarterly, 25, 86-93 

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  24. Tannenbaum, A. (1986). The enrichment matrix model. In J. S. Renzulli (Eds.)Systems and models for developing programs for the gifted and talented (pp.391-428). Mansfield Center, Connecticut: Creative Learning Press 

  25. Taylor, C. W. (1985). Multiple talents, Journal for the Education of the Gifted, 8(3),187-198 

  26. Tomlinson, C. A. (1995). How to differentiate instruction in mixed-ability classrooms.Alexandria, VA: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development 

  27. VanTassel-Baska, J. (1986). Effectiveness curriculum and institutional models fortalented studies. Gifted Child Quarterly, 30, 164-169 

  28. VanTassel-Baska, J. (1998). Excellence in educating the gifted(3rd ed.). Denver,Co: Love 

  29. VanTassel-Baska, J. (1989). Appropriate curriculum for the gifted, In J. Feldhusen,J. VanTassel-Baska, & K. Seeley. Excellence in. educating the gifted (pp.175-192). Denver, CO: Love 

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