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[국내논문] 전류분석을 이용한 유도 전동기의 결함분석 알고리듬 개발
A Development of the Algorithm to Detect the Fault of the Induction Motor Using Motor Current Signature Analysis 원문보기

한국소음진동공학회논문집 = Transactions of the Korean society for noise and vibration engineering, v.14 no.8, 2004년, pp.675 - 683  

신대철 (호서대학교 전기정보통신공학부) ,  정병훈 (호서대학교 대학원 전기공학과)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

The motor current signature provides an important source of the information for the faults diagnosis of three-phase induction motor. The theoretical principles behind the generation of unique signal characteristics, which are indicative of failure mechanisms, are Presented. The fault detection techn...


참고문헌 (10)

  1. Bowers, S. V., 1996. "Integrated Strategy for Predictive Maintenance of AC Induction Motors," P/PM technology Magazine. pp. 34-40. 

  2. Taver, P. J., Gayden, B. G. and Ward, D. M., 1986. "Monitoring Generators & Large Motors." IEE Proceedings. Vol. 133. Pt. B. No.3. 

  3. Kryter, R. C. and Haynes, H. D., 1989. "Condition Monitoring of Machinery Using of Motor Current Signature." Journal of Sound and Vibration. pp. 14-21. 

  4. 정병훈, 신대철, "전류신호를 이용한 유도전동기의 회전자봉 결함검출에 관한 연구", 한국소음진동공학회논문집, 제12권, 제4호, pp.287-293. 

  5. Berry, J. E., 1999. Comparison of Motor Current Analysis and Vibration Analysis in Detecting Rotor Bar and Air Gap Eccentricity Problems in Induction Motors. Chap. 4, Technical Associates of Charlotte. P. C. 

  6. Cameron, J. R. and Thomson, B., 1986. "Vibration and Current Monitoring for Detecting Airgap Eccentricity in Large Induction Motors." IEE Proceedings. Vol. 133. Pt. B. No 3. pp. 155-163. 

  7. Schoen, R .R., Habetler, T. G., Kamran, F. and Bartheld, R. G., 1995. "Motor Bearing Damage Detection Using Stator Current Monitoring." IEEE Trns. Ind. Application vol. 31, pp. 1274-1279. 

  8. Bethel, N.. 1999. "Improving Motor Reliability, through Static and Dynamic Testing." P/PM Technology Journal. August, pp. 32-33. 

  9. 안경룡, 한천, 양보석, 전재진, 김원철, 2002, "ART-kohonen 신경망을 이용한 회전기계의 결함진단 알고리듬," 한국소음진동공학회논문집, 제12권, 제10호, pp.799-807. 

  10. Campbell, W. R., 1985. "Diagnosing Alternating Current Electric Motor Problems. Part 2: Electromagnetic Problems." Vibrations Journal. Vol. 1 No.3. pp. 12-15. 

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