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Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Small animal models are extensively utilized in the study of biomedical sciences. Current animal experiments and analysis are largely restricted to in vitro measurements and need to sacrifice animals to perform tissue or molecular analysis. This prevents researchers from observing in vivo the natura...


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본문요약 정보가 도움이 되었나요?

참고문헌 (38)

  1. 구성재, 박돈규. 조선일보 2002.07.03;21면:A19. 

  2. MacDonald LR, Patt BE, Iwanczyk JS, Tsui BMW, Wang Y, Frey EC, et al. Pinhole SPECT of mice using LumaGEM gamma camera. IEEE Trans Nucl Sci 2001;48:830-5 

  3. McElroy DP, MacDonald LR, Beekman FJ, Wang Y, Patt BE, Iwanczyk JS, et al. Performance Evaluation of A-SPECT: A high resolution desktop pinhole SPECT system for imaging small animal. IEEE Trans Nucl Sci 2002;49:2139-47 

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  7. Cherry SR, Shao Y, Silverman RW, Meadors K, Siegel S, Chatziioannou A, et al. MicroPET: A high resolution PET scanner for imaging small animals. IEEE Trans Nucl Sci 1997;44:3:1161-6 

  8. Chatziioannou A, Cherry SR, Shao Y, Silverman RW, Meadors K, Farquhar TH, et al. Performance evaluation of microPET: a high resolution lutetium oxyorthosilicate PET scanner for animal imaging. J Nucl Med 1999;40:1164-75 

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  11. Tai YC, Chatziioannou A, Yang Y, Silverman RW, Meadors K, Siegel S, et al. MicroPET II: design, development and initial performance of an improved microPET scanner for small animal imaging. Phys Med Biol 2003;48:1519-37 

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  14. Rouze NC, Hutchins GD. Design and characterization of IndyPET-II: a high-resolution, high-sensitivity dedicated research scanner. IEEE Trans Nucl Sci 2003;50:1491-7 

  15. Jeavons AP, Chandler RA, Dettmar CAR. A 3D HIDAC-PET camera with sub-millimeter resolution for imaging small animals. IEEE Trans Nucl Sci 1999;46:468-73 

  16. Chung YH, Choi Y, Cho G, Choe YS, Lee K-H, Kim B-T. Optimization of dual layer phoswich detector consisting of LSO and LuYAP for small animal PET. IEEE MIC Rec 2003:M7-12 

  17. Seidel J, Vaquero JJ, Green MV. Resolution uniformity and sensitivity of the NIH ATLAS small animal PET scanner: comparison to simulated LSO scanner without depth-of-interaction capability. IEEE MIC Rec 2001:M9A-5 

  18. Heinrichs U, Pietrzyk U, Ziemons K. Design optimization of the PMT-ClearPET prototypes based on simulation studies with GEANT3. IEEE MIC Rec 2002:M3-26 

  19. Streun M, Brandenburg G, Larue H, Saleh H, Zimmermann E, Ziemons K, et al. Pulse shape discrimination of LSO and LuYAP scintillators for depth of interaction detection in PET. IEEE Trans Nucl Sci 2003:50;344-7 

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  28. Rafecas M, Boning G, Pichler BJ, Lorenz E, Schwaiger M, Ziegler SI. Characterization and processing of inter crystal scatter in a dual layer, high resolution LSO-APD-PET. IEEE MIC Rec 2001:M3-3 

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  32. Slates R, Cherry SR, Boutefnouchet A, Shao Y, Dahlborn M, Farahani K. Design of a small animal MR compatible PET scanner. IEEE Trans Nucl Sci 1999;46:565-70 

  33. Weisenberger AG, Wojcik R, Bradley EL, Brewer P, Majewski S, Qian J, et al. SPECT-CT system for small animal imaging. IEEE Trans Nucl Sci 2003;50:74-9 

  34. MacDonald LR, Patt BE, Iwanczyk JS, Tsui BMW, Wang Y, Frey XC, et al. Pinhole SPECT of mice using the LumaGEm gamma camera. IEEE Trans Nucl Sci 2001;48:830-6 

  35. Iwata K, Wu MC, Hasegawa BH. Design of combined X-ray CT and SPECT systems for small animals. IEEE MIC Rec 1999: M10-135 

  36. Hasegawa BH, Tang HR, Silva AJD, Iwata K, Wu MC, Wong KH. Implementation and applications of a combined CT/SPECT system. IEEE MIC Rec 1999:M8-8 

  37. Iwata K, Hwang AB, Wu MC, Tang HR, Silva AJD, Wong KH, et al. Design and utility of a small animal CT/SPECT system. IEEE MIC Rec 2001:M10-7 

  38. Prout D, Silverman R, Chatziioannou A. Detector concept for OPET, a combined PET and optical imaging system. IEEE MIC Rec 2003:M7-9 

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