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[국내논문] Ecosystem Consequences of an Anomalously High Zooplankton Biomass in the South Sea of Korea 원문보기

Journal of the Korean society of oceanography, v.39 no.4, 2004년, pp.207 - 211  

Kang, Young-Shil (National Fisheries Research & Development Institute, Marine Harmful Organisms Division) ,  Rebstock, Ginger-A. (Department of Biology, University of Washington)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

We used long time series of hydrographic and biological variables to examine the ecosystem consequences of a rare, anomalous event in the south sea of Korea. The highest zooplankton biomass in 36 years of sampling occurred in April 1997. Zooplankton biomass exceeded 2 times than the long-term mean a...


참고문헌 (16)

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  11. Paffenhofer, G.-A., L.P. Atkinson, T.N. Lee, P.G. Verity and L.R. Bulluck, 1995. Distribution and abundance of thaliaceans and copepods off the southeastern U.S.A. during winter. Cont. Shelf Res., 15: 255-280 

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  14. Richardson, A.J. and H.M. Verheye, 1999. Growth rates of copepods in the southern Benguela upwelling system: The interplay between body size and food. Limnol. Oceanogr., 44: 382392 

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  16. Toba, Y and H. Murakami, 1998. Unusual behavior of the Kuroshio Current System from winter 1996 to summer 1997 revealed by ADEOS-OCTS and other data - suggestion of topographically forced alternating-jet instability. J. Oceanogr., 54: 465-478 

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