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Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Multi-walled carbon nanotubes (CNTs) were prepared by microwave plasma chemical vapor deposition (MPCVD) using various combination of binary catalysts and methane precursor. The maximum yield (10.3 %) of CNTs was obtained using a methane-hydrogen-nitrogen mixture with volume ratio of 1:1:2 at 1000 W...


참고문헌 (11)

  1. U. Kim, R. Pcionek, D. M. Aslam, and D. Tomanek, Synthesis of High-Density Carbon Nanotubes Films by Microwave Plasma Chemical Vapor Deposition, Diam and Relat. Mater., 10, 1947 (2001) 

  2. J. Yu, Q. Zhang, J. Ahn, S. F. Yoon, Rusli Y. J. Li, B. Gan, K. Chew, and H. Tan Synthesis of Carbon Nanostructures by Microwave Plasma Chemical Vapor Deposition and Their Characterization, Mater. Sci. and Eng., B90, 16 (2002) 

  3. M. K. Singh, P. P. Singh, E. Titus, D. S. Misra, and F. LeNormand, High Density of Multiwalled Carbon Nanotubes Observed on Nickel Electroplated Copper Substrates by Microwave Plasma Chemical Vapor Depositon, Chem Phys. Lett. 354, 331 (2002) 

  4. I. Vesselenyi, K. Niesz, A. Siska, Z. Konya, K. Hemadi, J. B. Nagy and Kiricsi, Production of Carbon Nanotubes on Different Metal Supported Catalysts, React. Kinet. Catal. Lett., 74, 329 (2001) 

  5. A. K. M. Fazle Kibria, Y. H. Mo, K. S. Nahm, and M. J. Kim, Synthesis of Narrow Diameter Carbon Nanotubes from Acetylene Decomposition over an Iron-Nickel Catalyst Supported on Alumina, Carbon, 40, 1241 (2002) 

  6. 김명찬, 문승환, 임재석, 김명수, 아세틸렌의 열 및 플라즈마 CVD법으로 제조한 탄소나노튜브의 물성과 구조적 특성, 한국유화학회지 21(2), 174 (2004) 

  7. C. Singh, M. S. P. Shaffer, and A. H. Windle, Production of Controlled Architechtures of Aligned Carbon Nanotubes by Injection Chemical Vapour Deposition Method, Carbon, 41, 359 (2003) 

  8. T. Kato, K. Kusakabe, and S. Morooka, Process of Formation of Vapor Grown Carbon-Fibers by Gas-Phase Reaction using Ultrafine Iron Catalyst Particles, J. Mater. Sci. Lett., 11, 674 (1992) 

  9. 전학제, '촉매개론', 한림원, p. 141, 서울 (1995) 

  10. A. Gicquel, K. Hassouni, F. Silva, and J. Achard, CVD Diamond Films: from Growth to Applications, Curro Appl. Phys., 1, 479 (2001) 

  11. J. Y. Lee and B. S. Lee, Nitrogen Induced Structure Control of Vertically Aligned Carbon Nanotubes Synthesized by Microwave plasma Enhanced Chemical Vapor Deposition, Thin Solid Films, 418, 85 (2002) 

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