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한국산 부추속(Allium, Alliaceae)의 분류학적 재검토
A taxonomic review of Korean Allium (Alliaceae)

식물분류학회지 = Korean journal of plant taxonomy, v.34 no.2, 2004년, pp.119 - 152  

최혁재 (충북대학교 생명과학부) ,  장창기 (충북대학교 바이오연구소) ,  고성철 (한남대학교 생물학과) ,  오병운 (충북대학교 생명과학부)

AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

한국산 부추속 식물을 분류학적으로 재검토하였으며, 3아속, 10절, 17종, 3변종으로 정리하였다. 이 중 한국 특산종은 돌부추(A. koreanum), 한라부추(A. taquetii), 세모부추(A. deltoide-fistulosum), 선부추(A. linearifolium), 세모산부추(A. thunbergii var. deltoides), 등 근산부추(A. thunbergii var. teretifolium) 등의 6분류군이었으며, 노랑부추(A. condensatum), 가는산부추(A. splendens), 산파(A. maximowiczii) 등은 북한에만 분포하는 것으로 밝혀졌다. 정확한 종 동정을 위해 아속, 절, 종 및 종하분류군에 대한 검색표와 각 분류군의 기재문을 제시하였다.

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Allium taxa of Korea were taxonomically reviewed, and classified as three subgenera, ten sections, seventeen species, and three varieties. Among these, Korean endemics were recorded as six taxa; A. koreanum, A. taquetii, A. deltoide-fistulosum, A. linearifolium, A. thunbergii var. deltoides, A. thun...


참고문헌 (28)

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  2. Choi H.J and B.U. Oh. 2003. Taxonomy of the Allium sect. Sacculiferum in Korea: with a special reference to the morphology. Kor. J. Plant Tax. 33: 339-357 

  3. Choi H.J, B.U. Oh and C.G. Jang. 2003. An unrecorded species of Allium (Alliaceae) in Korea: A. longistylum Baker. Kor. J. Plant Tax. 33: 259-301 

  4. Choi H.J, B.U. Oh and C.G. Jang. 2004. Two new taxa of Allium (Alliaceae) from Korea: A. koreanum H.J. Choi et B.U. Oh and A. thunbergii var. tretifolium H.J. Choi et B.U. Oh. Kor. J. Plant Tax. 34: ??-?? 

  5. Don, G. 1827. A monograph of the genus Allium. Mem. wern. Soc. 6: 1-102 

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  8. Hanelt, P. and Fritsch, R. 1994. Note on some infrageneric taxa in Allium L. Kew Bull. 49: 559-564 

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  10. Kamenetsky, I. 1992. Morphologica types and root systems as indicators of evolutionary pathways in the genus Allium. Proceedings of an international symposium held at Gatersleben, Germany, June 11-13, 1991. Pp. 129-135 

  11. Krause, J. 1992. Growth form characters and their variation in Allium L. Proceedings of an international symposium held at Gatersleben, Germany, June 11-13, 1991. Pp. 173-179 

  12. Lee, N.S., D.H. Lee, J.S. Lee, and G. Hao. 2002. A study of taxonomical relationship among species of Korean Allium sect. Sacculiferum (Alliaceae) and related species using inter-simple sequence repeat (ISSR) markers. Bot. Bull. Acad. Sin. 43: 63~68 

  13. Lee, W.T. 1996. Lineamenta Florae Koreae. Academy Press, Seoul (in Korean) 

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  18. Samoylov, A., N. Friesen, S. Pollner, and P. Hanelt. 1999. Use of chloroplast DNA polymorphims for the phylogenetic study of Allium subgenus Amerallium and subgenus Bromatorrhiza (Alliaceae) Ⅱ. Feddes Repert. 110: 1-2, 103-109 

  19. Seo, B.B. and H.H. Kim. 1989. Giemsa C-banded Karyotypes in Two Diploid and Two Tetraploid Allium species. Kor. J. Bot. 32: 181-188 

  20. Stearn, W.T. 1944. Notes on the genus Allium in the Old World. Herbertia. 11: 11-34 

  21. Takhtajan, A. 1997. Diversity and Classification of Flowering Plants. Columbia University Press, New York. Pp. 500-506 

  22. Traub, H.P. 1968. Plant life. Pp. 147-163 

  23. Vvedenskii, A. I. 1935. Allium L. In Flora U.S.S.R. Vol. 4. Komarov V.A. (ed.), Botanical Institute of Academy of Science, Leningrad. Pp. 112-280 

  24. Woo, H.K. 2000. A taxonomy of Korean Allium based on morphological and ITS sequences Ms Thesis. Department of Biology, Ewha womans Univ. Seoul, Korea (in Korean) 

  25. Xu, J-M. 1980. Allium L. In Flora Reipublicae Popularis Sinicae Vol. 14. F-T. Wang and Tang (eds.), Science Press, Beijing. Pp. 170-272 (in Chinese) 

  26. 2000. Allium L. In Flora of China. Vol. 24. Raven P.H. (ed.), Science Press and Missouri Botanical Garden Press, Beijing, St. Louis. Pp. 95-133 

  27. Yu, S.O., S.T. Lee and W.T. Lee. 1981a. A Taxonomic Study on the Allium Species in Korea. Kor. J. Plant Tax. 11: 21-41. (in Korean) 

  28. Yu, S.O., D.H. Cho and W.T. Lee. 1981b. Studies on the Relationship of the Allium Species Grown Wild in Korea. Bulletin of the Agricultural College, Wonkwang University. 4: 187-251 (in Korean) 

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