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남자 국가대표 110m허들선수의 허들동작에 관한 운동학적 분석
The kinematic analysis of the Hurdling of Men's 110m Hurdle 원문보기

한국운동역학회지 = Korean journal of sport biomechanics, v.14 no.1, 2004년, pp.83 - 98  

이정호 (한국체육대학교)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

The purpose of this study was to determine the kinematic variables of the hurdling for a korea record holder (A) and a national hurdle representative (B). after the kinematic variables such the distance and the distance and height of C.G, the velocity and the angle were analyzed about the hurdling. ...


참고문헌 (17)

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  2. 윤양률 (1997). 110M 허들동작의 운동동작적분석. 동아대학교 박사학위논문 

  3. 신보삼, 최점동 (1997). 110m 허들링 동작의 운동학적 분석. 전북대학교 운동과학연구소, 운동논문 1호, pp.11-30. 

  4. Brent, M.(1981). "Biomechanics of high Hurdling". The Hurdles, Tafnews Press, 63-66. 

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  7. Li, Jianshe(1990). kinematic Analyzis on Yu Zhicheng's 110m Hurdles Techniques. Hangzhou University, China. 

  8. Mann, R. V., Herman, J., Johnson, B., Schultz, C., & Kotmel, J. (1982-83). The elite athlete project: Sprints and hurdles. USOC Technical Reports 1-11, USOC Training Center, Colorado Springs, CO. 

  9. Mann, R., & Herman, J. (1985). Kinematics Analysis of Olympic hurdle performance: Women's 100meter. I.J.S.B. 1, 163-173. 

  10. McDonald, C., & Dapena, J. (1991a). Angular momentum in the men's 110-m and women's 110-m hurdles races. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 23: 1392-1402. 

  11. McDonald, C., & Dapena, J. (1991b). Linear kinematics of the men's 110m and women's 110m hurdles races. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 23: 1382-1391. 

  12. Milan Coh. (2003). Biomenhanical analysis of Colin Jackson's hurdle clearance technique. New Studies in Athletics, IAAF. Vol. 18. No. 1, pp. 3-57 

  13. Nclnnis, A. (1981). The need for Sprint sense in hurdling. The Hurdles, Tafnewes Press, pp. 86-91. 

  14. Nickson, T. R. (1984). A logical approach to improve Hurdling Technique. Track & Field Q. R. Vol 84, No. 2, pp. 32-33. 

  15. Plagenhoef, S. (1983). Anatomical data for analyzing human motion. Res, Q. Vol 54, No 2, pp. 169-178. 

  16. Tsarouchas, L., Papadopoulos, K., Kalanmaras, K., & Giavroglou, G.(1993). Approach phase for the clearance of the hurdle in the 110m high hurdles run. Track & Field Q. R. Vol 93, No.1, pp. 40-45. 

  17. Walker, J. (1991). Hurdling. Track & Field Q.R. Vol 91, No.1, pp. 27-28. 

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