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본 연구에서는 현재 임상에서 home bleaching을 위해 사용되고 있는 표백 재료들이 치아 법랑질의 투명도에 어떠한 변화를 일으키는지 고찰해 보고자 시행하였다. 실험 대상으로는 하루 전 발거한 우치 (bovine tooth)를 사용하였다. 치아의 순면에 수직되게 다이아몬드 드릴을 이용해 수주 하에서 직경 6 mm의 원통형 치아 시편을 만들어 순면이 노출된 상태로 투명한 아크릭 레진에 포매한 후, low speed diamond saw (Isomat, Buehler Co., USA)를 사용하여 1.2 mm 두께로 절단하였다. 절단된 시편은 순면을 먼저 편평하게 연마하고,절단된 면을 연마하여 두께 1 mm의 시편을 완성하였다. 완성된 시편(우치 25개)을 무작위로 추출하여 3개의 그룹으로 나누고 나머지는 대조군으로 하였다. Opalescence$^{(R)} (10% carbamide peroxide, Ultradent, Milford, USA), Rembrandt$^{(R)} (10% carbamide peroxide, DenMat, USA) 및 Opalescence$^{(R)} F(15% carbamide peroxide with fluoride, Ultradent)를 시편의 순면에 1주일 동안 적용 (표백제는 24시간마다 교체)하였고, 설측면은 증류수를 적신 거즈에 접촉된 상태로 보관하였다 표백제를 적용하기 전과 적용 3, 5, 7일째에 시편의 삼자극치 X, Y, Z 값을 색채색차계 (Color & Color Differencemeter, Model TC-6FX, Tokyo Denshoku Co., Japan)로 백색 배경판과 흑색 배경판 상에서 측정하였다 백색 배경판과 흑색 배경판 상에서 측정된 Y값의 평균값을 이용해 contrast ratio를 계산하였다 얻어진 값을 One Way Repeated Measured ANOVA를 이용하여 통계 처리한 결과 10% Opalescence$^{(R)}처치군, 15% Opalescence$^{(R)}-F처치군 및 대조군에서는 통계적으로 유의할만한 증감을 보이지 않았고, Rembrandt$^{(R)}처치군에서는 Contrast ratio가 증가하였다 (p < 0.01).

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

This study was done to evaluate whether vital bleaching agents could influence on the translucency of the bovine enamel. The anterior bovine teeth that were extracted one day before and without any gross discoloration were obtained and then were preserved in physiologic saline. 6 mm cylindrical toot...


참고문헌 (22)

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  2. Haywood VB, Heymann HO. Nightguard vital bleaching. Quintessence Int 20:173-176, 1989. 

  3. Haywood VB. History, safety, and effectiveness of current techniques and applications of the nightguard vital bleaching technique. Quintessence Int 23:471-488, 1992. 

  4. Leonard RH, Sharma A, Haywood VB. Use of different concentrations of carbamide peroxide for bleaching teeth: An in vitro study. Quintessence Int 29:503-507, 1998. 

  5. Haywood VB, Leech T, Heymann HO, Crumpler D, Bruggers K. Nightguard vital bleaching effect on enamel surface texture and diffusion. Quintessence Int 21:801-804, 1990. 

  6. Hunsaker KJ, Christen GJ, Christensen RP. Tooth bleaching chemicals influence on teeth and restoration. J Dent Res 69:303, 1999. 

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  8. Lopes GC, Bonissoni L, Baratieri LN, Vieira LC, Monteiro S Jr. Effect of bleaching agents on the hardness and morphology of enamel. J Esthet Rest Dent 14(1):24-30, 2002. 

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  10. Potocnick I, Kosec L, Gaspersic D. Effect of 10% carbamide peroxide bleaching gel on enamel microhardness, microstructure, and mineral content. J Endod 26:203-206, 2000. 

  11. McGucking RS, Babin JF, Meyer BJ. Alternation in human enamel surface morphology following vital bleaching. J Prosthet Dent 68:754-760, 1992. 

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  13. Bruce A, Hakam N, Michael A, George J. Clinical evaluation of bleaching agents of different concentration. Quintessence Int 5:303-310, 2000. 

  14. Perdigao J, Francci C, Swift Jr E J, Ambrose WW, Lopez M. Ultra-morphological study of the interaction of dental adhesives with carbamide peroxide-bleached enamel. Am J Dent 11:291-301, 1998. 

  15. Bitter NC. A scanning electron microscopy study of the effect of bleaching agents on enamel: [a preliminary report]. J Prosthet Dent 67:852-855, 1992. 

  16. McCracken MS, Haywood VB. Demineralization effects of 10 percent carbamide peroxide. J Dent 24:395-398, 1996. 

  17. Shannon H, Spencer P, Gross K, Tira D. Characterization of enamel exposed to 10% carbamide peroxide bleaching agents. Quintessence Int 24:39-44, 1993. 

  18. Murchinson DF, Charlton DG, Moore BK. Carbamide peroxide bleaching: effects on enamel surface hardness and bonding. Oper Dent 17:181-185, 1992. 

  19. Nathoo SA, Chmielewski MB, Kirkup RE. Effects of colgate platinum professional tooth whitening system on microhardness of enamel, dentin, and composite resins. Compendium 15:S627-S630, 1994, 

  20. Seghi RR, Denry I. Effects of external bleaching on indentation and abrasion characteristics of human enamel in vitro. J Dent Res 71:1340-1344, 1992. 

  21. Smidt A, Weller D, Roman I, Gedalia I. Effect of bleaching agents on microhardness and surface morphology of tooth enamel. Am J Dent 11:83-85, 1998. 

  22. Kihn P, Barnes D, Romberg E, Mohammad M. Clinical evaluation of 10% vs 15% carbamide peroxide whitening system [abstract 998]. J Dent Res 78:230, 1999. 

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