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[국내논문] 임팩트 볼을 활용한 바닥충격음 측정 및 평가
Floor Impact Noise Measurement and Evaluation Method Using Impact Ball 원문보기

한국소음진동공학회논문집 = Transactions of the Korean society for noise and vibration engineering, v.15 no.10 = no.103, 2005년, pp.1160 - 1168  

전진용 (한양대학교 건축대학 건축공학부) ,  정정호 (한양대학교 건설연구소)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Floor impact noise isolation performance of reinforced concrete floors was investigated through new measurement method using impact bail. Strong impact force in Bow frequency band below 63 Hz of bang machine is not similar to human impact source and causes some problem in evaluating heavy-weight Imp...


참고문헌 (24)

  1. 건설교통부, 2004, '공동주택 바닥충격음 차단구조인정 및 관리기준' 

  2. 정정호, 정 영, 서상호, 송희수, 전진용, 2004, '바닥충격음 측정 및 차음 평가의방향', 한국소음진동공학회 추계학술대회논문집, pp. 269-274 

  3. 김경호, 전진용, 2002, '공동주택에서의 바닥충격음 인지도 분석', 한국생활환경학회지, 제 9 권, 제 2 호, pp. 160-165 

  4. 김경우, 최경석, 정영선, 양관섭, 2005, '실충격원(어린이)의 충격발생 행위에 따른 충격력 특성에 관한 연구', 한국소음진동공학회논문집, 제 15 권, 제 5 호, pp. 542-549 

  5. 정정호, 전진용, 2004, '바닥충격음 평가를 위한 Impact Ball의 특성 및 주관적 반응', 대한건축학회 학술발표논문집, 제 24 권, 제 1 호, pp. 617-680 

  6. Jean, J. Y. and Jeong, J. H., 2003, 'Allowable Floor-impact Sound Levels in Apartment Buildings', Proc of 147th Meeting of Acoustical Society of America, pp.2372 

  7. 양관섭, 김경우, 이승언, 2004, '벽식구조 공동주택의 바닥충격음 특성', 한국생활환경학회지, 제 11 권, 제 2 호, pp. 98-104 

  8. 전진용, 류종관, 2003, '청감실험에 의한 공동주택 바닥충격음의 평가 등급 설정', 한국음향학회지, 제 22 권, 제 2 호, pp. 1-8 

  9. 송민정, 기노갑, 장길수, 김선우, 2004, '공동주택 바닥충격음 차단성능 등급화에 관한 연구', 대한건축학회논문집, 제 20 권, 제 10 호, pp. 295-302 

  10. Tachibana, H., Tanaka, H., Yasuoka, M. and Kimura, S., 1998, 'Development of New Heavy and Soft Impact Source for the Assessment of Floor Impact Sound Insulation of Buildings', Proc of Inter-noise 98 

  11. Jean, J. Y. and Jeong, J. H., 2003, 'Use of Rubber Ball Impactor for Floor Impact Noise Evaluation', Proc of WESPAC 8, CD-Rom 

  12. Jean, J. Y., Jeong, J. H. and Sea, S. H., 2004, 'Heavy-weight Floor Impact Sound in Reinforced Concrete Structures', Proc of The 2004 Conference of the Australian Acoustical Society, pp. 631-636 

  13. Jean, J. Y. and Jeong, J. H., 2004, 'Comparisons of Standard Floor Impact Sources and Classification Based on Subjective Evaluations', Proc of 17th Biennial Conference of the New Zealand Acoustical Society, pp. 1-5 

  14. Abe, K., Inoue, K. and Yasuoka, M., 1999, 'Dependence on Temperature of Impact Force Characteristics in Standard Heavy Impact Sources. Part: 1 Equipment and Techniques of Experiments,' Proceedings of Architectural Institute of Japan. pp. 141-142 

  15. Yasuoka, M., Inoue, K. and Abe, K., 1999, 'Dependence on Temperature of Impact Force Characteristics in Standard Heavy Impact Sources. Part: 2 Study on Experimental Results,' Proceedings of Architectural Institute of Japan. pp.143-144 

  16. Inoue, K., Abe, K. and Yasuoka, M., 1999, 'Dependence on Temperature of Impact Force Characteristics in Standard Heavy Impact Sources. Part: 3 Study on Floor Impact Sound,' Proceedings of Architectural Institute of Japan. pp. 145-146 

  17. Jean, J. Y. and Jeong, J. H., 2004, 'The use of Impact Ball in Evaluating Floor Impact Sound', Proceedings of Inter-noise 2004 

  18. Jean, J. Y., 2001, 'Subjective Evaluation of Floor Impact Noise Based on the Model of ACF/IACF.' Journal of Sound and Vibration, 241(1), pp. 147-155 

  19. Ando, Y., 2001, 'A Theory of Primary Sensations and Spatial Sensations Measuring Environmental Noise,' Journal of Sound and Vibration, 241(1), pp. 3-18 

  20. 日本建築學會, 2001, '遮音性能基準の設計指針', 技報堂出版 

  21. Rindel, J. H., 1999, 'Acoustic Quality and Sound Insulation Between Dwellings,' Journal of Building Acoustics 5. pp. 291-301 

  22. 정정호, 2004, '바닥충격음의 주관적 평가에 의한 등급설정', 한양대학교 박사학위 논문 

  23. Rasmussen, B. and Rindel, J. H., 2003, 'Sound Insulation of Dwellings Legal Requirements in Europe and Subjective Evaluation of Acoustical Comfort', Proc of DAGA, pp. 118-121 

  24. Rindel, J. H. and Rasmussen, B., 1997, 'Assessment of Airborne and Impact Noise from Neighbors', Proc of Inter-noise 97, pp. 1739-1744 

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