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[국내논문] A Study on Thecate Dinoflagellates in the Neritic Ecosystems of Korea 원문보기

환경생물 = Korean journal of environmental biology, v.23 no.4, 2005년, pp.328 - 334  

Shin Eun-Young (Marine Living Resources Research Division, KORDI) ,  Yeo Hwan-Goo (Department of Environmental Engineering, Hanseo University) ,  Park Jong-Gyu (Department of Ocean Information Science, Kunsan National University)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Dinoflagellates were investigated from the coastal waters of Korea. The total 100 thecate dinoflagellates taxa, comprising of 93 species five varieties and two forms were identified, which were attributed to four orders nine families, 13 genera in Korean coastal waters. 22 species, two varieties and...


참고문헌 (36)

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