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[국내논문] 회전원판의 진동과 동적 안전성 원문보기

소음진동 = Journal of KSNVE, v.15 no.6 = no.78, 2005년, pp.41 - 46  

정진태 (한양대학교 공과대학 기계공학과)

초록이 없습니다.

참고문헌 (13)

  1. Mote, C. D., 1965, 'Free Vibration of Initially Stressed Circular Disks', ASME Journal of Engineering for Industry, Vol. 89, pp. 258-265 

  2. Eversman, W. and Dodson, R. O., 1969, 'Free Vibration of Centrally damped Spinning Circular Dis' AIAA Journal, Vol.7, No.10, pp.2010-2012 

  3. Adams, G. G., 1987, 'Critical Speed for a Flexible Spinning Disk', International Journal of Mechanics, Vol. 29, pp. 525-531 

  4. Mote, C. D., 1970, 'Stability of Circular Plates Subjected to Moving Loads', Journal of the Flankin Institute, Vol. 290, No. 4, pp. 329-344 

  5. Shen, I. Y., 1993, 'Response of a Slationaiy, Damped, Circular Plate under a Rotating Slider Bearing System', ASME Journal of Vibration and Acousdcs, Vol. 115, pp. 65-69 

  6. Iwan, W. D. and Moller, T. L, 1976, 'The Stability of a Spinning Elastic Disk with a Transverse Load System', ASME Journal of Applied Mechanics, Vol. 43, pp. 485-490 

  7. Benson, R. C. and Bogy, D. B., 1978, 'Deflection of a Very flexible Spinning Disk due to a Stationary transverse Load', ASME Journal of Applied Mechanics, Vol. 45, pp. 636-641 

  8. Ono, K., Chen, J.-S., Bogy, D. B., 1991, 'Stability Analysis for the Head-Disk Intreface in a Flexible Disk Drive', ASME Journal of Applied Mechanics, Vol. 58., pp. 1005-1014 

  9. Chen, J. S. and Bogy, D. B., 1992, 'Effects of Load Parameters on the Natural frequencies and Stability of a flexible Spinning Disk with a Stationary Load System', ASME Journal of Applied Mechanics, Vol. 59, pp.230-235 

  10. Chung, J., Oh, J. E. and Yoo, H. H, 2000, 'Non-linear Vibration of a flexible Spinning Disc with Angular Acceleration', Journal of Sound and Vibration, Vol. 231, pp. 375-391 

  11. Chung, J, Heo, J. W. and Han, C. S., 2003, 'Natiiral Frequencies of a flexible Spinning Disk Misaligned with the Axis of Rotation', Journal of Sound and Vibiation, Vol. Vol. 260, pp. 763-775 

  12. Heo, J. W., Chung, J. and Choi, K., 2003, 'Dyaamic Time Responses of a flexible Spinning Disk Misaligned with the Axis of Rotation', Journal of Sound and Vibration, Vol. 262, pp. 25-44 

  13. Heo, J. W. and Chung, J., 2004, 'Vibration Analysis of a Flexible Rotating Disk with Angular Misalignment', Journal of Sound and Vibration, Vol. 274, pp. 821-841 

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