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[국내논문] Diagnosis of Freemartinism in Korean Native Cattle by Amplification of Two Different Male-Specific DNA Sequences 원문보기

Reproductive & developmental biology = 한국동물번식학회지, v.29 no.4, 2005년, pp.269 - 271  

Kim So Sub (Department of Physiology, Dankook University School of Medicine) ,  Yoon Ji Young (Department of Physiology, Dankook University School of Medicine) ,  Ahn Kwang Sung (Department of Physiology, Dankook University School of Medicine) ,  Shim Hosup (Department of Physiology, Dankook University School of Medicine)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

The freemartinism is the most frequent form of intersexuality found in cattle, and females of heterosexual twins become sterile. With increase of twinning rates due to transfer of multiple embryos derived from in vitro fertilization, it is of great economic value to establish early diagnosis of free...


참고문헌 (8)

  1. Ennis S, Gallagher (1994): A PCR-based sex-determination assay in cattle based on the bovine amelogenin locus. Anim Genet 25:425-427 

  2. Ennis S, Vaughan L, Gallagher TF (1999): The diagnosis of freemartinism in cattle using sex-specific DNA sequences. Res Vet Sci 67:111-112 

  3. Laster DB, Turman EJ, Johnson BH, Stephens DF, Renbarger RD (1971): Effect of sex ratio in utero on degree of transformation and chimerism in neonatal bovine freemartins. J Reprod Fertil 24:361-367 

  4. Marcum JB (1974): The freemartin syndrome. Animal Breeding Abstract 42:227-241 

  5. Padula AM (2005): The freemartin syndrome: an update. Anim Reprod Sci 87:93-109 

  6. Parkinson TJ, Smith KC, Long SE, Douthwaite JA, Mann GE, Knight PG (2001): Inter-relationships among gonadotrophins, reproductive steroids and inhibin in freemartin ewes. Reproduction 122:397-409 

  7. Reick GW (1963): Early recognition of reproductive capacity in females of mixed twins in cattle. Praktische Tierarzt 40:89-92 

  8. Stewart-Scott IA, Pearce PD, Moore GH, Fennessy PF (1990): Freemartinism in red deer (Cervus elaphus L.). Cytogenet Cell Genet 54:58-59 

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