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Objective : It has long been known about the osteogenic effect of CPC-HAS on bone tissues. However, it has not been determined the effect of CPC-HAS on cancer cells. The purpose of this study is to screen the CPC-HAS mediated differentially expressed genes in cancer cells such as HepG2 hepatoma cell...


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문제 정의

  • 이에 著者는 壯腎陽, 補氣血, 益精髓, 强筋骨 效能이 있는 鹿茸關(antler, Cervi parvum comu ; CPC)으로 藥鉞液 을 조제하여, 抗癌效能을 밝히고자 肝癌細胞柱에 최신 oligonucleotide chip assay 법 과 proteomic analysis기 법을 이용하여 遺傳子 發顯을 分析한 結果 有意性을 얻었기에 報吿하는 바이다.
본문요약 정보가 도움이 되었나요?

참고문헌 (38)

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