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LTCC 슬러리 및 그린시트의 물성 변화에 미치는 혼합용매 조성의 영향
Effect of Solvent Mixture on the Properties of LTCC Slurry and Green Sheets 원문보기

한국재료학회지 = Korean journal of materials research, v.16 no.9, 2006년, pp.533 - 537  

조범준 (삼성전기 기술총괄 eMD Lab(LTCC)) ,  박은태 (삼성전기 기술총괄 eMD Lab(LTCC))

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

The effects of binary solvent mixtures with various ratios of toluene and ethanol on the properties of slurries and green sheets were investigated. Viscosity of slurry was changed by varying the ratio of solvent mixture which affected the solubility of binder. The relative solvency behavior of a sol...


참고문헌 (11)

  1. R. A. Gardner and R. W. Nufer, Solid State Technology, 17(5), 38-43 (1974) 

  2. J.-K. Song, W.-S. Um, H.-S. Lee, M.-S. Kang, K.-W. Chung and J.-H. Park, J. European Ceram. Soc., 20, 685 (2000) 

  3. M. Descamps, G. Ringuet, D. Leger and B. Thierry, J. European Ceram. Soc., 15, 357 (1995) 

  4. Rodrigo Moreno, Am. Ceram. Soc. Bull., 71(5), 1521 (1992) 

  5. Y. J. Oh and H. J. Jeong, Bulletin of the Korean Ceramic Society, 12(1), 3 (1997) 

  6. Loey A. Salam, Richard D. Matthews and Hugh Robertson, Materials Chemistry and Physics, 62, 263 (2000) 

  7. Publication No. 2008084D, Butvar Polyvinyl Butyral Resin, Monsanto Company, St. Louis, MO, 1999 

  8. John Burke, AIC Book and Paper Group Annual, 3, 13 (1984) 

  9. Masato Ohta, Toshio Oguchi, Keiji Yamamoto, Pharmaceutica Acta Helvetiae, 74, 59 (1999) 

  10. B. Briscoe, P. Luckham, S. Zhu, Polymer, 41, 3851 (2000) 

  11. R. E. Mistler, D. J. Shanefield, and R. B. Runk, Ceramic Processing Before Firing, p. 411-448, edited by G. Y. Onoda and L. L. Hench, Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York (1978) 

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