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[국내논문] 실천적인 영양교육 프로그램 (KHIDIKIDS)을 통한 초등학교 저학년생의 식생활 태도 및 식습관 향상
Application of a Practical Nutrition Education Program, KHIDIKIDS, for the Improvement of Dietary Attitudes and Habits of Elementary Students 원문보기

韓國營養學會誌 = The Korean journal of nutrition., v.39 no.8, 2006년, pp.808 - 816  

권용경 (서울교육대학교 생활과학교육과) ,  장영애 (한국보건산업진흥원 보건영양팀) ,  김정원 (서울교육대학교 생활과학교육과)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

The purpose of this study was to improve the dietary attitudes and habits of elementary students in lower classes through a 12-week practical nutrition education program called KHIDIKIDS, which was developed by Korea Health Industry Development Institute (KHIDI) in 2004 based on the 2003 Children's ...


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문제 정의

  • 그러나 본 교육프로그램은 아직 초등교육 현장에서 적용·평가가 이루어지지 못한 상태이므로, 본 연구에서는 정부 관련기관 차원에서 개발된 키디키즈를 초등학교 현장에 재량시간을 활용하여 적용하여 봄으로써 어린이의 영양지식 뿐 아니라 식습관 및 식생활 태도 개선을 위한 영양교육 자료로서의 평가와 함께 추후 프로그램 향상을 위한 개선점을 도출하고자 하였다.
  • 본 연구는 정부 관련기관에서 최초로 개발된 키디키즈 영양교육 프로그램을 초등학교 저학년 아동들에게 적용하여 체계적이며 계획적인 실천적 영양교육을 실시함으로써, 아동들의 올바른 식습관 형성 및 식생활 태도를 향상시키는데 그 목적을 두었다.
본문요약 정보가 도움이 되었나요?

참고문헌 (16)

  1. Choi HJ, Seo JS. Nutrient intakes and obesity-related factors of obese children and the effect of nutrition education program. Korean J Community Nutrition 8(4): 477-484, 2003 

  2. Lee JY, Lee SY. A comparative study on nutrition knowledge, eating behavior and nutrient intake for students at elementary schools with and without nutrition education program. J East Asian Soc Dietary Life 14(6): 561-570, 2004 

  3. Yoon HS, Yang HL, Her ES. Effect of nutrition education program on nutrition knowledge, dietary diversity of elementary school children. Korean J Community Nutrition 5(3): 513-521, 2000 

  4. Kim JW. Analysis of food and dietary education in the 7th primary school curriculum as a science and technology education for life. Korean J Practical Arts Education 18(1): 129-144, 2005 

  5. Kim JW. A comparative study of science and technology education curricula in advanced countries for the improvement of Korean practical arts curriculum. Korean J Practical Arts Education 19(1): 1-21, 2006 

  6. Lee KH, Her ES. Development of computer-aided nutritional education program for the school children. Korean J Nutrition 35(7): 791-799, 2002 

  7. Her ES, Lee KH. Effect-evaluation of nutritional education program using internet for school children. Korean J Nutrition 36 (5): 500-507, 2003 

  8. Hyun T, Yon M, Kim SH, Kim NH, An SM, Lee SM, Chi HJ, Sun MH, Oh CH, Wang HW, Hong MK. Development of a nutrition education website for children. Korean J Community Nutrition 8(3): 259-269, 2003 

  9. http://kids_nutri.khidi.or.kr 

  10. Korea Health Industry Development Institute. Guidebook for children's dietary education, 2004 

  11. Lee YM, Lee MJ, Kim SY. Effects of nutrition education through discretional activities in elementary school. J Korean Diet Assoc 11(3): 331-340, 2005 

  12. Jin JH. Effects of nutritional education on an unbalanced diet: An investigation of children at elementary schools in Incheon. Master' thesis. Incheon University, 2001 

  13. Ku PJ, Lee KA. A survey on dietary habit and nutritional knowledge for elementary school children's nutritional education. Korean J Dietary Culture 15(3): 201-213, 2000 

  14. Chung MK. Implementation and evaluation of nutrition education program for elementary school students. Master's thesis, Seoul Women's University, 1999 

  15. Yoon HH. Effects of nutrition education on eating behavior, nutrition knowledge and nutrient intake by school mealservice; an empirical study on elementary school children in Chonbuk area . Master's thesis, Chonbuk National University, 2004 

  16. Ryu JG. Effect of nutrition education program for each grade of elementary school students. Master's thesis, Hoseo University, 2001 

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