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NTIS 바로가기분석과학 = Analytical science & technology, v.19 no.1, 2006년, pp.9 - 17
한원식 (한서대학교 화학과) , 정규진 (한서대학교 화학과) , 이상원 (한서대학교 화학과) , 홍석영 (국립환경과학원) , 이영훈 (한서대학교 화학과) , 홍태기 (한서대학교 화학과)
The application and analysis of the interaction of various biomaterials including the concentration of biomaterials, thickness, and the ability of the detection of the analytical kinetic data of special biomaterials have been performed by SPR(surface plasmon resonance) sensor. To fabricate the scann...
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