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Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Laser-rotating arc hybrid welding was introduced by combining $CO_2$ laser and rotating gas metal arc welding. While the arc rotation enhances the weld pool motion, it reduces the undercut formation which is one of most critical weld defects in the conventional laser-arc hybrid welding. T...


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AI-Helper 아이콘 AI-Helper

* AI 자동 식별 결과로 적합하지 않은 문장이 있을 수 있으니, 이용에 유의하시기 바랍니다.

문제 정의

  • 본 연구에서는 회전아크를 적용한 레이저-아크 하이브리드 용접공정에서 공정변수에 따른 용접비드 특성을 파악하였으며, 또한 다양한 간극의 맞대기 용접에 적용하였을 경우 간극 대응력을 검토하고자 하였다.
본문요약 정보가 도움이 되었나요?

참고문헌 (11)

  1. W. M. Steen, M. Eboo and J. Clarke: Arc Augmented Laser Welding. Advances in Welding Processes Proceedings. 4th International Conference, Harrogate, U. K., May 9-11, 1978 

  2. N. Abe and H. Hayashi: Trends in Laser Arc Combination Welding Methods. Welding International. 16-2 (2002), 94-98 

  3. C. Bagger and F. O. Olsen: Review of Laser Hybrid Welding. Journal of Laser Applications. 17-1 (2005). 2-14 

  4. H.-B. Chae, C.-H. Kim, J.-K. Kim, N.-H. Kang, J.-H. Kim and S. Rhee: The Effect of Shielding Gas Composition in $CO_2$ Laser-MIG Hybrid Welding. Autumn Annual Meeting of Korean Welding Society. 2004, 52-54 (in Korean) 

  5. C.-H. Kim, H.-B. Chae, J.-H. Kim, S. Rhee: Development of $CO_2$ Laser-Arc Hybrid Welding Technology in KITECH. 1st KWS-JWS Joint Symposium of Yong Researchers. Seoul. Korea. June 24. 2005, 380-383 

  6. H.-B. Chae, C.-H. Kim, J.-K. Kim, N.-H. Kang, J.-H. Kim and S. Rhee: Improvement of Gap Bridging Ability in $CO_2$ LASER GMA Hybrid Welding. Spring Annual Meeting of Korean Welding Society, 2005, 100-102 (in Korean) 

  7. Y. Sugitiani, Y. Kobayashi and M. Murayama: Development and Application of Automatic High Speed Rotation Arc Welding, Welding International, 5-5 (1991), 577-583 

  8. Y. H. Kang: A Study on the Automatic Welding by Using Electromagnetic Arc Oscillation, Ph. D. Thesis, KAIST, 2001 (in Korean) 

  9. S. Kimura, I. Ichihara and Y. Nagai: Narrow Gap, Gas Metal Arc Welding Process in Flat position : Welding Journal, 58-7 (1979), 44 52 

  10. Y. Sugitani and W. Mao: Automatic Simultaneous Control of Bead Height and Back Bead Shape using an arc sensor in one sided welding with a backing plate, Welding International, 9-5 (1995), 366 -374 

  11. C.-H. Kim, S.-J. Na: A study on Horizontal Fillet Welding by Using Rotating Are, Journal of The Korean Welding Society, 21-3 (2003), 296 301 (in Korean) 

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