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Regions in China identification and quality control of radix Codonopsis by chemical fingerprint: Evaluation of lobetyolin from different cultivated 원문보기

Oriental pharmacy and experimental medicine, v.6 no.4, 2006년, pp.293 - 299  

Chou, Gui X (Department of Biology, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology) ,  Gao, Qiu T (Department of Biology, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology) ,  Li, Jun (Department of Biology, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology) ,  Duan, Ran (Department of Biology, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology) ,  Cheung, Anna WH (Department of Biology, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology) ,  Chu, Glanice KY (Department of Biology, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology) ,  Jiang, Zhi Y (Department of Biology, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology) ,  Dong, Tina TX (Department of Biology, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology) ,  Tsim, Karl WK (Department of Biology, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

By using high-performance liquid chromatography-photodiode array detection, a simple and accurate chromatographic fingerprint method was developed for the identification of Radix Codonopsis (roots of Codonopsis) from different sources. Eighteen herbs of Codonopsis at different habitats in China, inc...


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문제 정의

  • to KWKT. This work is part of a project on the study of some common Chinese Material Medica in Hong Kong being undertaken by Department of Health, Hong Kong SAR Government, China.
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참고문헌 (17)

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