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교통소음으로 인한 실내소음레벨과 주관반응 분석 - 항공기, 도로교통 및 철도소음을 중심으로
Comparison between Indoor Noise Level and Subjective Response for Transportation Noise - Focusing on the Aircraft, Road traffic and Railway Noise 원문보기

한국소음진동공학회논문집 = Transactions of the Korean society for noise and vibration engineering, v.17 no.5 = no.122, 2007년, pp.437 - 447  

박현구 (전남대학교 건축과학기술연구소) ,  김선우 (전남대학교 건축공학부)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

A series of research to seek for the relationship between subjective responses and noise level for transportation noise have been proceeded, and their results showed similar for some cases and different for some other cases as well, which is considered due to the various conditions such as the way o...


참고문헌 (20)

  1. Schultz, T. J., 1978, 'Synthesis of Social Surveys on Noise Annoyance', J. Acoust. Soc. Am. Vol. 64, No. 2, pp. 377-405 

  2. Schomer, P. D., 2005, 'Criteria for Assessment of Noise Annoynace', Noise Control Eng. J. Vol. 53, No.4, pp, 125-137 

  3. Kim, S. W., Lee, J. Y., Song, M. J. and Jang, G. S., 2005, 'A Study on the Indoor Noise Limits of Apartment Houses from the Road Traffic Noise,' Transactions of the Korean Society for Noise and Vibration Engineering, Vol. 15, No.9, pp. 1084-1091 

  4. Yano, T, Yamashita, T and Izumi, K. 1997, 'Comparison of Community Annoyance from Railway Noise Evaluated by Different Category Scales', J. Sound Vib. Vol. 205, No. 4, pp. 505-511 

  5. Fields, J. M. and Walker, J. G. 1982. 'Comparing the Relationships between Noise Level and Annoyance in Different Surveys: A Railway Noise vs. Aircraft and Road Traffic Comparison, J. Sound Vib. Vol. 81, No.1, pp.51-80 

  6. Kryter, K. D., 1982, 'Community Annoyance from Aircraft and Ground Vehicle Noise', J. Acoust. Soc. Am. Vol. 72, No.4, pp. 1222-1242 

  7. Osada, Y., 1991, 'Comparison of Community Reaction to Traffic Noise', J. Sound Vib. Vol. 151, No.3, pp, 479-486 

  8. Hall, F. L., 1984, 'Community Response to Noise: Is All Noise the Same?' J. Acoust. Soc. Am. Vol. 76, No.4, pp, 1161-1168 

  9. Miedema, H. M. E. and Henk Vos, 1998, 'Exposure-response Relationships for Transportation Comparison between Laboratory and Field Settings', J. Sound Vib. Vol. 290, No. 6, pp. 3-16 

  10. Morihara, T., Sato, T. and Yano, T. 2004, 'Comparison of Dose-response Relationships between Railway and Road Traffic Noises: the Moderating Effect of Distance', J. Sound Vib. Vol. 277, No.3, pp. 559-565 

  11. Skanberg, A, Ohrstrorn, E., 2006, 'Sleep Disturbances from Road Traffic Noise: A Comparison between Laboratory and Field Settings', J. Sound Vib. Vol. 290, pp. 3-16 

  12. Griefahn, B., Marks, A. and Robens, S., 2006, 'Noise Emitted from Road, Rail and Air Traffic and Their Effects on Sleep', J. Sound Vib. Vol. 295, pp. 129-140 

  13. Enforcement Regulations of the Noise and Vibration Law, an Act of the Ministry of Environment Issue. 224 Partly Revision, 2006. 12. 29 

  14. Enforcement Regulations of the Air Law, An Act of the Ministry of Construction and Transportation Issue. 532, Partly Revision, 2006. 08. 18 

  15. Jeon, J. H, An, B. O., Kim, S. W, Song, M. J. and Jang, G. S., 2001, 'A Compare Study on the Evaluation Method of Aircraft Noise', Proceedings of the KSNVE Annual Autumn Conference, p. 703 

  16. Kim, S. W., Park, H. K., Jeong, J. Y. and Song, H., 2002, 'A Study on the Evaluation of Sound Insulation Performance for Window through Psycho-acoustic Experiment,' J. AIK, Vol. 18, No.5, pp, 169-176 

  17. Jung, G. Y., 2000, 'A Study on the Psychological Evaluation for Environmental Noise Using Korean Vocabulary,' Doc. Dissertation, Chonnam National University 

  18. Origin, 1997, 'Origin user's manual version 5', Microcal Software Inc 

  19. Yang, B. H., 1998, 'Comprehension and Application of Multivariate Data Analysis', Hakjisa 

  20. Schultz, T. J. 1982, 'Community Noise Rating Second ed.,' Applied Science publishers, pp. 239-245 

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