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골프 공의 충돌 시 스핀 생성 원리 연구
A Study on Golf Ball Spin Mechanism at Impact 원문보기

한국소음진동공학회논문집 = Transactions of the Korean society for noise and vibration engineering, v.17 no.5 = no.122, 2007년, pp.456 - 463  

노우진 (한국과학기술원 기계공학과) ,  이종원 (한국과학기술원 기계공학과)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

It is important to improve the initial launch conditions of golf ball at impact between golf club and ball to get a long flight distance. The flight distance is greatly influenced by the initial launch conditions such as ball speed, launch angle and back spin rate. It is also important to analyze th...


참고문헌 (9)

  1. Gobush, W., 1990, 'Impact Force Measurements on Golf Balls', Science and Golf, Proceedings of the World Scientific Congress of Golf, pp, 219-224 

  2. Chou, P. C., Liang, D. and Yang, J., 1994, 'Contact Forces, Coefficient of Restitution, and Spin Rate of Golf Ball Impact', Science and Golf II, Proceedings of the World Scientific Congress of Golf, pp. 296-301 

  3. Ujihashi, S., 1994, 'Measurement of Dynamic Characteristics of Golf Balls and Identification of their Mechanical Models', Science and Golf II, Proceedings of the World Scientific Congress of Golf, pp. 302-308 

  4. Tavares, G., Sullivan, M. and Nesbitt, D., 1998, 'Use of Finite Element Analysis in Design of Multilayer Golf Balls', Science and Golf III, Proceedings of the World Scientific Congress of Golf, pp. 473-480 

  5. Johnson, S. H. and Ekstrom, E. A., 1998, 'Experimental Study of Golf Ball Oblique Impact', Science and Golf III, Proceedings of the World Scientific Congress of Golf, pp. 519-525 

  6. Hocknell, A., Jones, R. and Rothberg, S. J., 1998, 'Computational and Experimental Analysis of the Golf Impact', Science and Golf III, Proceedings of the World Scientific Congress of Golf, pp. 526-534 

  7. Cochran, A. J. 2002, 'Development and Use of One-dimensional Models of a Golf Ball', Science and Golf IV, Proceedings of the World Scientific Congress of Golf, pp. 461-473 

  8. Moriyama, K., Yamaguchi, T., Yabu, M. and Tsunoda, M., 2004, 'The Influence of Mechanical Impedance of the Golf Club and the Golf Ball on Ball Spin', The engineering of sport 5, Vol. 1, pp. 337-343 

  9. Jorgensen, T. P., 1994, The Physics of Golf, American Institute of Physics 


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