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A Study on the Force Balance of an Unbalanced Globe Valve

Journal of mechanical science and technology, v.21 no.5, 2007년, pp.814 - 820  

Cho, Taik-Dong (BK21 Mechatronics Group, Chungnam National University) ,  Yang, Sang-Min (HANVIT Power Service) ,  Lee, Ho-Young (Daegu Machinery Institute of Components & Materials) ,  Ko, Sung-Ho (BK21 Mechatronics Group, Chungnam National University)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

A pneumatic control valve is a piping element that controls the volumetric flow rate and pressure of a fluid; it is necessary to analyze the characteristics of the forces with respect to the opening of the valve in order to evaluate its operating performance. The forces occurring during operation ar...


참고문헌 (9)

  1. NRC/ASME Symposium on Valve and Pump Testing Heiko Ebert 5 1B: 41 2004 Heiko Ebert and Georg Zanner, 2004, “Engineering Based Valve Testing and Evaluation,”NRC/ASME Symposium on Valve and Pump Testing, Vol. 5, pp. 1B: 41-49. 

  2. Kim, I. H., Kim, B. N., Lee, D. H., Han, J. H., Kim, Y. S. and Kim, D. W., 1999, “A Safety Evaluation Method of Motor Operated Valve,”Proceedings of the KSME 1999 Spring Annual Meeting, pp. 55-60. 

  3. Jeong, H. K., Han, J. H., Park, S. G. and Yang, S. O., 1999, “Calculation and Test Method of the Required Stem Thrust of Safety-Related Motor Operated Valves,”Proceedings of the KSME 1999 Spring Annual Meeting, pp. 512-517. 

  4. Terashima, 1992, “Experimental Investigations on Fluid Forces Acting on a Valve Stem,”Report of Researches Nippon Institute of Technology, Vol. 22, No. 1-2. 

  5. Transac-tions of the Society of Instrument and Control Engineers C. Kaseda 35 5 594 1999 10.9746/sicetr1965.35.594 Kaseda, C., Ohtsuka, A., Nagasaka, F., Kagawa, T., 1999, “An Experimental Study om Diagnosis of Operating Characteristics in Pneumatic Control Valve,”Transac-tions of the Society of Instrument and Control Engineers, Vol. 35, No. 5, pp. 594-599. 

  6. Cho, T. D., Lee, H. Y. and Yang, S. M., 2004, “The Dynamic Test Modeling of the Air-Operated Valve,”Proceedings of the KSME 2004 Spring Annual Meeting, pp. 88. 

  7. Yang, S. M., Song, D. S., Huh, T. Y., Kim, B. H., Sin, S. K., Kim, C. Y. and Cho, T. D., 2003, “Air-Operated Valve Diagnostic System Development,”Proceedings of the KSPE 2003 Spring Annual Meeting, pp. 179. 

  8. Static Characteristics of Indirect Action Pressure-control Valves Kostine 51 9 52 1971 Kostine and Bogdanov, 1971, “Static Characteristics of Indirect Action Pressure-control Valves,” Vol. 51, No. 9, pp. 52-54. 

  9. Instrumentation technology C. Schuder 18 5 48 1971 Schuder, C., 1971, “Understanding Fluid Forces in Control Valves,”Instrumentation technology, Vol. 18, No. 5, pp. 48-52. 

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