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[국내논문] Breakdown characteristics of SF6 and Imitation Air in Temperature Decline 원문보기

照明·電氣設備學會論文誌 = Journal of the Korean Institute of Illuminating and Electrical Installation Engineers, v.21 no.4, 2007년, pp.115 - 121  

Lim, Chang-Ho (Electrical Engineering from Yeungnam University) ,  Choi, Eun-Hyeok (Electrical Engineering from Yeungnam University) ,  Kim, Do-Seok (Electrical Engineering from Yeungnam University) ,  Kim, Young-Su (Electrical Engineering from Yeungnam University) ,  Park, Won-Zoo (Electrical Engineering Department of Yeungnam University) ,  Lee, Kwang-Sik (The Korean Institute of Illumination and Electrical Installation Engineers)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

This paper describes experiments of the breakdown characteristics by temperature change of $SF_6$ gas and Imitation Air(I-Air) in model GIS(Gas Insulated Switchgear). From the results of the experiments, the breakdown characteristics classify the vapor stage of $SF_6$ according...


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제안 방법

  • The purpose of this study is to provide data on designing insulation for p* owa equipment by investigating the insulation charactaistics of SFe and I-Air according to changes in pressure and temperature when there are certain amounts of gas in the chamber.
  • This study researched the phase transition characteristics, the temperature-pressure characteristics of SF& and the temperature thereof according to the fixed amount of the gas-pressure VB characteristics of Imitation —Air.

대상 데이터

  • A window(diameter, 110[mm]; thickness, 20[mm]) was installed to allow the observation of the temperature sensor and the 인ectrode installed inside the experimental chamber. The material for this window was transparent acrylic and was installed in a cylindrically-shaped space.
  • The electrode used was a Needle-Plane electrode(upper part- Needle; lower part: Plane, N-P; Needle; Diameter, 50[mm] angle of a 20°point; Plane: Diameter, 590[mm]) and the distance between electrodes was set to 30[mm]. The temperature of the temperature sensor section was lowered up to 30—40[°C] in the case of each atmospheric pressure after ventilating the inner chamber up to -68[cmHg] and inserting 4, 5 or 6[atm] before adding the SFe and I-Air.
본문요약 정보가 도움이 되었나요?

참고문헌 (9)

  1. Landry, M. et al, 'Dielectric withstand and breaking capacity of $SF_6$ circuit breakers at low temperatures', Power Delivery, IEEE Transactions on, pp. 1029-1035, July 1988 

  2. Gong Guoli et al. 'The influence of $SF_6\;and\;SF_6/N_2$ dissociating products on the electrical performance of several insulating varnishes', Electrical Insulating Materials, pp. 495-497, 1995 

  3. T. Ueda et al. 'Discrimination of Partial Discharge Electromagnetic Signal in $SF_6$ Gas from External Noise Using Phase Gate Control Method', IEEE International Symposium on Electrical Insulation, pp. 117-120, 1996 

  4. Kwang-Sik Lee, 'A Study on the discharge characteristics of liquid nitrogen at atmospheric pressure', KIEE Vol. 45, No.7, 1996.7 

  5. C.Beyer et al .'Influence Reactive SFX Gases on Electrode Surfaces after Electrical Discharge under $SF_6$ Atmosphere', IEEE Trans, pp. 234-240, 2001 

  6. Kwang-Sik Lee, 'A Study on the Discharge Characteristics of Liquid Nitrogen and Gases at Very Low Temperature', KEPCO, 1993.8 

  7. Kyeung-Tae Park, 'The Characteristics of Discharge and Radiated Electromagnetic Waves with a Variation of Temperature in $SF_6$ ', Yeungnam Univ. , 2002.12 

  8. Kwang-Sik Lee, 'The Characteristics of Insulation with Temperature Variations of $SF_6$ 'KIEE Vol. 52C, No.8, 2003.8 

  9. Kwang-Sik Lee, Eun-Hyuck Choi, 'The Positive Effect and the Breakdown Characteristics in $SF_6\;and\;LN_2$ ', KIEE Vol.54C, No.8, 2005, 8 

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