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백금은 물리화학적 특성에 기인하여 많은 분야에서 중요한 역할을 하고 있으며, 이러한 분야에서는 아주 미세한 백금의 사용을 요구하고 있다. 그러므로 본 연구에서는 액상에서 환원제를 사용하여 백금염을 환원시킴으로서 나노크기의 백금을 제조하는 방법에 대하여 알아보았다. 수용액상에서 C14TABr과 $H_2[PtCl_6]$ 상호작용은 $[C1_4TA]_2[PtCl_6]$의 유기백금염 화합물을 형성한다. 단분산 나노 백금입자를 얻기 위해서는 $C1_4TABr$$H_2[PtCl_6]$ 농도가 각각 cmc와 0.32 mM 이상이 되어야 한다. $H_2[PtCl_6]$와 C14TABr 농도가 증가함에 따라 백금입자 크기가 증가하였으며, 백금입자의 형태는 C14RABr농도 증가에 따라 제어가 가능하였다.

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Platinum plays an important role in many applications because of its extraordinary physical and chemical properties. All these applications require the use of platinum in the finely divided state. Therefore the preparation of platinum nanoparticles by reducing platinum-surfactant salt with reducing ...


AI 본문요약
AI-Helper 아이콘 AI-Helper

* AI 자동 식별 결과로 적합하지 않은 문장이 있을 수 있으니, 이용에 유의하시기 바랍니다.

제안 방법

  • postmicellar region11-*. This method was used to investigate the progressive spectral change in the H2[PtCl6]/C14TABr system in this study.

대상 데이터

  • , LTD. C14TABr(letradecyltrimethylarnrnoniurn bromide, 99%, Aldrich) as surfactant, and sodium borohydride (NaBH4, 99%, Aldrich) as reducing agent were used as received. Reagent-grade water was produced by a Milli-Q filtration system.
본문요약 정보가 도움이 되었나요?

참고문헌 (12)

  1. Wu M. L., Chen D. H. and Huang T. C., 2001 : Preparation of Pd/Pt Bimetallic Nanoparticles in Water/AOT/isooctane Microemulsions, J. Colloid Interface Sci, 243, pp. 102-108 

  2. Tang Z., Geng D. and Lu G., 2005 : A simple solutionphase reduction method for the synthesis of shapecontrolled platinum nanoparticles, Materials Letters, 59, pp. 1567-1570 

  3. Xiao L. et al., 2004 : Tuning the Architecture of Mesostructure by Electrodeposition, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 126, pp. 2316-2317 

  4. Tang H. et aI., 2004 : High dispersion and electrocatalytic properties of platinum nanoparticles on graphitic carbon nanofibers (GCNFs), J. Colloid Interface Sci., 269, pp. 26-31 

  5. Lu Q., Gao F., Komarneni S., 2004 : Bimolecule-Assisted Synthesis of Highly Ordered Snowflakelike Structures Bismuth Sulfide Nanorods, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 126, pp. 54-55 

  6. Zhu J. et al., 2000 : Shape-Controlled Synthesis of Silver Nanoparticles by Pulse Sonoelectrochemical Methods, Langmuir, 16, pp. 6396-6399 

  7. Veisz B. and Kiraly Z., 2003 : Size-Selective Synthesis of Cubooctahedral Palladium Particles Mediated by Metallomicelles, Langmuir, 19, pp. 4817-4824 

  8. Puvvada S. et al., 2000 : Synthesis of palladium metal nanoparticles in the bicontinuous cubic phase of glycerol monooleate, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 116, pp. 2135-2136 

  9. Kiraly Z. et al., 2001 : Preparation of Ultrafine Palladium Particles on Cationic and Anionic Clays, Mediated by Oppositely Charged Surfactants: Catalytic Probes in Hydrogenations, Langmuir, 17, pp. 5381-5387 

  10. Haak J. R., Rupert L. A. M., 1993 : 'Physicochemical Properties of Selected Anionic, Cationic and Nonionic Surfactants', Elsevier: Amsterdam, pp. 110-136 

  11. Creighton J. A. and Eadon D. G., 1991 : Ultraviolet-Visible Absorption Spectra of Colloidal Metallic Elements, J. Chem. Soc. Faraday Trans, 87(24), pp. 3881-3891 

  12. Veisz B. et al., 2005 : Palladium-platinum powder catalysts manufactured by colloidal synthesis I. Preparation and characterization, J. of Molecular Catalysis A: Chemical, 238, pp. 56-62 

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