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[국내논문] 3축 유압 도로 시뮬레이터의 정량적 피드백 제어 시스템 설계
Design of Quantitative Feedback Control System for the Three Axes Hydraulic Road Simulator 원문보기

大韓機械學會論文集. Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers. A. A, v.32 no.3 = no.270, 2008년, pp.280 - 289  

김진완 (전남대학교 대학원 기계공학과) ,  현동길 (전남대학교 대학원 기계공학과) ,  김영배 (전남대학교 기계시스템공학부)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

This paper presents design of the quantitative feedback control system of the three axes hydraulic road simulator with respect to the dummy wheel for uncertain multiple input-output(MIMO) feedback systems. This simulator has the uncertain parameters such as fluid compressibility, fluid leakage, elec...


참고문헌 (16)

  1. Chait, Y. and Hollot, C.V., 1990, 'A Comparison Between H $\infty$ Methods and QFT for a Single-loop Plant with Both Parametric Uncertainty and Performance Specifications,' Recent Development in Quantitative Feedback Theory, ASME WAM Config., O.D.I. Nwokah,ed., pp.33-40 

  2. Horowitz, I.M., 1963, 'Synthesis of Feedback Systems,' Academic Press, New York 

  3. Horowitz, I.M. and Sidi, M., 1972, 'Synthesis of Feedback Systems with Large Plant Ignorance for Prescribed Time-Domain Tolerance,' Int. J. Control, 16(2), pp. 287-309 

  4. Shaked, U., Horowitz, I.M. and Glode, S., 1976, 'Synthesis of Multivariable Basically Non-interacting Systems with Significant Plant Uncertainty,' Automatica, Vol.12, pp 61-71 

  5. Horowitz, I.M., 1982, 'Improved Design Technique for Uncertain Multi Input Multi Output Feedback Systems, 'Int. J. Control, Vol.36, No.6, pp.977-988 

  6. Horowitz, I.M., Loecher, C.Y., 1981, 'Design of a 3×3 multivariable feedback system with large plant uncertainty,' Int. J. Control, 33:4, pp. 677-699 

  7. Yaniv, O. and Horowitz, I.M., 1986, 'A Quantitative Design Method for MIMO Linear Feedback Systems Having Uncertain Plants,' Int. J. Control, 43, pp.402-421 

  8. Yaniv, O., 1999, 'Quantitative Feedback Design of Linear and Nonlinear Control Systems,' Kluwer Academic Publishers 

  9. D'Azzo, J.J and Houpis, C.H., 1988, 'Linear Control System Analysis,' McGraw-Hill Inc 

  10. Horowitz, I.M., 1992, 'Quantitative Feedback Theory(QFT).' QFT Publication, 4470 Grinnell Ave., Boulder, Colorado, 80303 

  11. Borghesani, C., 1993, 'Computer Aided Design of Robust Control Systems Using the Quantitative Feedback Theory,' M.S. Thesis, Mechanical Engineering Department, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA 

  12. Chait, Y. and Yaniv, O., 1993-2003, 'Quantitative Feedback Theory Toolbox User's Guide,' Terasoft Inc. 

  13. Park, M.S., 1994, 'A New Approach to Multivariable Quantitative Feedback Theory,' Ph.D. Thesis, Uni. of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA. 

  14. Park, M.S. and Lee, J.W., 1998, 'Direct Multivariable Quantitative Feedback Theory,' Trans. of the KSME(A) Vol.22 No.3, pp.562-568 

  15. Ziegler, J.G., Nichols, N.B., 1942, 'Optimum Settings for Automatic Controllers', ASME Trans. 64, pp.759-68 

  16. Kim, J.W., Xuan, D.J., Kim, Y.B., 2007, 'Design of Force Control System for a Hydraulic Road Simulator using Quantitative Feedback Theory', Trans. of the KSME(A), Vol.31, No.11, pp.1069-1076 

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