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Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

We name and describe two new species, Isoetes jejuensis and I. hallasanensis, from Jeju Island, South Korea. These taxa are compared with related species in East Asia, including I. coreana and I. sinensis. The rugulate megaspore ornamentation of I. jejuensis differs from those other lsoetes species....


참고문헌 (19)

  1. Kor J Plant Tax YH Chung 16 1 1986 10.11110/kjpt.1986.16.1.001 Chung YH, Choi H-K (1986)Isoetes coreana, a new species from Korea. Kor J Plant Tax 16: 1-12 (In Korean with English abstract) 

  2. Taiwania CE DeVol 17 1 1972 DeVol CE (1972a)Isoetes found on Taiwan. Taiwania 17: 1-7 

  3. Taiwania CE DeVol 17 304 1972 DeVol CE (1972b) A correction forIsoetes taiwanensis DeVol. Taiwania 17: 304-305 

  4. Amer Fern J RJ Hickey 76 1 1986 10.2307/1547394 Hickey RJ (1986)Isoetes megaspore surface morphology: Nomenclature, variation, and systematic importance. Amer Fern J 76: 1-16 

  5. Jung J (2001) Taxonomic studies ofIsoetes L. in Korea. M.S. Thesis. Ajou University, Suwon (In Korean with English abstract) 

  6. Aquat Bot C Kim 89 43 2008 10.1016/j.aquabot.2008.02.004 Kim C, Na HR, Choi H-K (2008) Genetic diversity and population structure of endangeredIsoetes coreana in South Korea based on RAPD analysis. Aquat Bot 89: 43-49 

  7. Can J Bot LS Kott 58 980 1980 10.1139/b80-120 Kott LS, Britton DM (1980) Chromosome numbers forIsoetes in northeastern North America. Can J Bot 58: 980-984 

  8. Novon H Liu 15 164 2005 Liu H, Wang Q-F, Taylor WC (2005)Isoetes orientalis (Isoetaceae), a new hexaploid quillwortfrom China. Novon 15: 164-167 

  9. ORYX X Liu 39 335 2005 10.1017/S0030605305000712 Liu X, Wang J-Y, Wang Q-F (2005) Current status and conservation strategies forIsoetes in China: A case study for the conservation of threatened aquatic plants. ORYX 39: 335-338 

  10. Amer Fern J TC Palmer 17 111 1927 10.2307/1544551 Palmer TC (1927) A ChineseIsoetes. Amer Fern J 17: 111-113 

  11. J Jpn Bot M Park 18 547 1942 Park M (1942)Isoetes japonica in Korea. J Jpn Bot 18: 547 (In Japanese) 

  12. Ann Missouri Bot Gard NE Pfeiffer 9 79 1922 10.2307/2990000 Pfeiffer NE (1922) Monograph of the Isoetaceae. Ann Missouri Bot Gard 9: 79-232 

  13. Bot J Linn Soc MI Romero 146 231 2004 10.1111/j.1095-8339.2004.00315.x Romero MI, Amigo J, Ramil P (2004)Isoetes fluitans sp. nov.: The identity of Spanish plants of ‘I.longissimum’. Bot J Linn Soc 146:231-236 

  14. Taxon C Rydin 51 83 2002 10.2307/1554965 Rydin C, Wikstrom N (2002) Phylogeny ofIsoetes (Lycopsida): Resolving basal relationships using rbcL sequences. Taxon 51:83-89 

  15. Fern Gaz M Takamiya 16 169 2001 Takamiya M (2001)Isoetes sinensis var.sinensis in Korea (Isoetaceae: Pteridophyta). Fern Gaz 16: 169-170 

  16. Acta Phytotax Geobot M Takamiya 48 89 1997 Takamiya M, Watanabe M, Ono K (1997) Biosystematic studies on the genusIsoetes (Isoetaceae) in Japan. IV. Morphology and anatomy of sporophytes, phytogeography and taxonomy. Acta Phytotax Geobot 48: 89-122 

  17. Ann Missouri Bot Gard WC Taylor 79 613 1992 10.2307/2399755 Taylor WC, Hickey RJ (1992) Habitat, evolution, and speciation inIsoetes. Ann Missouri Bot Gard 79: 613-622 

  18. Amer Fern J WC Taylor 94 196 2004 10.1640/0002-8444(2004)094[0196:PROIII]2.0.CO;2 Taylor WC, Lekschas AR, Wang QF, Liu X, Napier NS, Hoot SB (2004) Phylogenetic relationships ofIsoetes (Isoetaceae) in China as revealed by nucleotide sequences of the nuclear ribosomal ITS region and the second intron of aLEAFY homolog. Amer Fern J 94: 196-205 

  19. Novon QF Wang 12 587 2002 10.2307/3393143 Wang QF, Liu X, Taylor WC, He Z-R (2002)Isoetes yunguiensis (Isoetaceae), a new basic diploid quillwortfrom China. Novon 12: 587-591 

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