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[국내논문] 타이어고무를 이용한 개질에 따른 아스팔트 변형저항성 향상 연구
Improvement of Deformation Resistancy of Asphalt by Modification with Tire Rubber 원문보기

엘라스토머 = Elastomer, v.43 no.2, 2008년, pp.72 - 81  

홍영근 (수원대학교 신소재공학과) ,  고문보 (수원대학교 신소재공학과)

AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

포장도로의 소성변형을 줄여보고자 개질아스팔트가 나타나고 있다. 본 연구에서는 타이어 고무 등을 이용하여 개질된 아스팔트의 물성을 알아 보았다. 마샬안정도와 인장강도가 각각 98% 및 43% 증가하여 타이어 고무의 개질효과를 알 수 있었다. 점도, 침입 및 열 분석에서 아스팔트의 변형저항성이 향상되었음을 알 수 있었다. IR 및 GPC 실험에서 개질제의 구조가 아스팔트의 구조와 유사할 경우 두 화합물 사이에 화학결합이 발생하여 분자들의 크기가 증가함으로써 개질효과가 커짐을 알 수 있었다.

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Nowadays, modifying asphalt to improve the resistancy of plastic deformation or rutting on roads has been drawing attention. In this study, asphalts were modified with modifying agents and ground rubber from waste tire (GRT), and the effects of modifier and GRT on the properties of asphalt were anal...


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제안 방법

  • In this study, common asphalt (AP-5) was modified with two chemical compounds to improve resistance against plastic deformation. The compounds employed here are unsaturated polyester resin and polyoctenamer which is frequently used as plastisizer in the rubber industry.
  • In order to control the size effect of the aggregate added to the asphalt, only aggregates of diameter of 13mm were used. To see the effect of modification, mechanical properties (tensile strength and Marshall stability) of modified asphalt, tests were conducted. Test were also done measuring for the penetration grade, and viscosity; and TMA was used to measure changes in resistance against plastic modification, and IR and GPC were used to test the bonding possibility between asphalt and modifiers.
  • To see the effect of modification, mechanical properties (tensile strength and Marshall stability) of modified asphalt, tests were conducted. Test were also done measuring for the penetration grade, and viscosity; and TMA was used to measure changes in resistance against plastic modification, and IR and GPC were used to test the bonding possibility between asphalt and modifiers.
  • First, the effects of modifiers were examined. Modifier contents were set at 2wt%, and initiators (peroxides) were added in related modifiers.
  • AP-5, 2% Vestenamer, and 1% GRT were mixed together for 3 hours to prepare a specimen(APVR2-1. Table 4 presents the Marshall stability values of the modified asphalt and neat asphalt.
  • An IR test was conducted to check for reactions between asphalt and Vestenamer. The results are shown on Figure 6.
  • Thus, there is a high possibility that the double bonds of Vestenamer had reacted or linked with AP-5 through hydrogen abstraction reaction by peroxide and created a new compound with an improved property. In order to test this possibility, IR tests of 2% Vestenamer-modified asphalt (APV-2) were conducted. However, because of different concentrations between Vestenamer and AP-5, and the small amounts of vinyl groups in Vestenamer, it was difficult to decide whether a reaction had taken place or not.

대상 데이터

  • All asphalts used in experiments were AP-5 (Inchon Oil) and had penetration grades between 60 and 70. Polyoctenamer (‘Vestenamer’, DegussaHuls), unsaturated polymer made from polymerization of cycleoctene that has a double bond of C4=C5, and unsaturated polyester resin (UPR, Aekyung Chemicals) were used as modifiers.
  • The specimens inside the molds were cured at room temperature for 24hours. Seven specimens were made for each type. The specimens were then placed in a 60°C water bath for 30minutes, towel dried, and tested by a compression tester (HJ-1191, Heung-Jin Co.


  • The specimens were molded using a cylindrical mold 50mm in diameter and 100mm in length. The specimens were made and tested in accordance with guidelines of Marshall asphalt mix by ASTM D 1559. First, a 13mm aggregate was heated at 180°C for more than 24hours.
본문요약 정보가 도움이 되었나요?

참고문헌 (12)

  1. H. B. Takallou and M. B. Takallou, "Recycling Tires in Rubber Asphalt Paving Yields Cost, Disposal Benefits", Elastomerics, 123, 19 (1991) 

  2. G. R. Morrison, N. A. Lee, and S. A. M. Hesp, MRS International Meeting on Materials and Processes for Environmental Protection, Materials Research Society, Pittsburgh, 189 (1994) 

  3. F. L. Roberts, P. S. Kandhal, E. R. Brown, D. Y. Lee, and T. W Kennedy, Hot Mix Asphalt Materials, Mixture Design, and Construction, NCAT, Lanham (1996) 

  4. P. K. Jain, S. B. Sangita, and I. R. Arya, Polymer Modified Asphalt Binders, ASTM STP 1108, K. R. Wardlaw and S Shuler, eds., American Society of Testing Materials, Philadelphia (1992) 

  5. A. Adedeji, T. Grunfelder, F. S. Bates, and C. W. Macosko, "Asphalt Modified by SBS Triblock Copolymer: Structures and Properties", Polymer Engineering and Science, 36, 12 (1996) 

  6. R. Blanco, R. Rodriguez, M. G. Garduno, and V. M. Castano, "Fundamental Characterization of SBS-modified Asphalt Mixed with Sulfur", Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 61, 1493 (1996) 

  7. J. K. Newman, "Asphalt-Aggregate Interactions in Hot Recycling" Journal of Elastomers and Plastics, 30, 245 (1998) 

  8. M. A. H. Abdel-Goad, "Waste Poly(vinyl chloride)- modified Bitumen", Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 101, 1501 (2006) 

  9. G. Biegenzein, US Patent, 4314921 (1982) 

  10. R. Loza, US Patent, 6057390 (2000) 

  11. G. Polacco, S. Berlincioni, D. Biondi, J. Stastna, and L. Zanzotto, "Asphalt Modification with Different Polyethylene-based Polymers", European Polymer Journal, 41, 2831 (2005) 

  12. J. Read and D. Whiteoak, Bitumen Handbook, Shell, London (2003) 

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