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NTIS 바로가기한국화재소방학회 논문지= Fire science and engineering, v.22 no.3, 2008년, pp.216 - 220
지문학 (한전 전력연구원 원자력발전연구소) , 이병곤 (충북대학교 안전공학과)
Water mist fire suppression system utilizes the fire suppression features such as cooling of fire source, dilution of ambient oxygen, and shielding of radiation heat with the evaporation of microscopic water droplets. The momentum of water mist is relatively lower than that of larger water droplet a...
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Zhigang Liu, Andrew K. Kim, and Joseph Z. Su, "Examination of the extinguishment performance of a water mist system using continuous and cycling discharges", Fire Technology Vol. 35, No. 4, pp. 336-361(1999)
NIST, "FDS (Fire Dynamics Simulator) User's Guide and Technical Guide" (2007)
NIST, "Smokeview User's Guide" (2007)
Thunderhead Engineering, "Pyrosim User Manual" (2007)
NFPA 750, "Standard on water mist fire protection systems" (2006)
Fire Protection Handbook (18th edition), "Section 6/ Chapter 15, Water mist fire suppression systems"
SFPE Handbook (3rd edition). "Section 4/Chapter 14, Water mist fire suppression systems"
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