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스타이너 트리 문제를 위한 Mar-Min Ant Colony Optimization
A Max-Min Ant Colony Optimization for Undirected Steiner Tree Problem in Graphs 원문보기

經營 科學 = Korean management science review, v.26 no.1, 2009년, pp.65 - 76  

서민석 (삼성전자 Device solution부분(business) Test and Package 센터 TP 기술2팀) ,  김대철 (한양대학교 경영대학 경영학부)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

The undirected Steiner tree problem in graphs is known to be NP-hard. The objective of this problem is to find a shortest tree containing a subset of nodes, called terminal nodes. This paper proposes a method based on a two-step procedure to solve this problem efficiently. In the first step. graph r...


참고문헌 (22)

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  19. Studetzle, Thomas and Hogler H. Hoos, 'Max-Min Ant System,' Future Generation Computer Systems, Vol.16(2000), pp.889-914 

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  22. Xu, J., S.Y. Chiu, and F. Glover, 'Using Tabu Search to Solve the Steiner Tree-Star Problem in Telecommunications Network Design,' Telecommun Syst, Vol.6(1996), pp.117-125 

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