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[국내논문] 석탄회 종류에 따른 석탄회를 대량 사용한 콘크리트의 내구특성에 관한 연구
A Study on the Durabilities of High Volume Coal Ash Concrete by the Kinds of Coal Ash 원문보기

한국건축시공학회지 = Journal of the Korea Institute of Building Construction, v.9 no.3 = no.35, 2009년, pp.73 - 78  

최세진 ((주)삼표 기술연구소) ,  김무한 (충남대학교 건축공학과)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Coal ash is a by-product of the combustion of pulverized coal, and much of this is dumped in landfills. The disposal of coal ash is one of the major issues for environmental problems. In this paper, the effects of the kinds and replacement ratio of coal ash on the durabilities of concrete mixtures a...


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  • 및 내염해성 등 내구특성을 비교 . 검토함으로서 산업부산물인 석탄회의 활용 증대를 위한 참고자료를 제시하고자 한다
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참고문헌 (18)

  1. 박종빈, 이상호, 지재성, Bottom ash를 이용한 친환경 보수성 블록 개발, 한국폐기물학회지, 제25권 제7호, pp.639-644, 2008 

  2. 이종호, 조봉석, 이태희, 김용로, 최세진, 김무한, 물시멘트비 및 Bottom ash 대체율에 따른 콘크리트의 특성에 관한 실험적 연구, 한국콘크리트학회 봄 학술발표회논문집, 제14권 제1호, pp.699-704, 2002 

  3. E. Berg, J.A. Neal, Concrete masonry unit mix designs using municipal solid waste bottom ash, ACI Materials Journal, Vol.95 No.4, pp.470-479, 1998 

  4. K.R. Hwang, T. Noguchi, F. Tomosawa, Effects of fine aggregate replacement on the rheology, compressive strength and carbonation properties of fly ash and mortar, ACI Spec. Publ. SP-178, pp.401-410, 1998 

  5. KS F 4570, Bottom ash aggregate for the precast concrete product, 2007 

  6. KS F 4569, Bottom ash aggregate for road construction, 2007 

  7. M. Maslehuddin, Al. Al-mana, M.Shamim, H.Saricimen, Effect of sand replacement on the early-age strength gain and long-term corrosion-resisting characteristics of fly ash concrete, ACI Materials Journal, Vol.86 No.1, pp.58-62, 1989 

  8. Nader Ghafoori, Yuzheng Cai, Laboratory-Made Roller Compacted Concretes Containing Dry Bottom Ash, ACI Material Journal, pp.224-251, 1998.5 

  9. N. Ghafoori, Y.Cai, B. Ahmadi, Use of dry bottom ash as a fine aggregate in roller compacted concrete, ACI Spec. Publ., SP-171, pp.487-507, 1997 

  10. P.K. Mehta and P.J. Monteiro, Concrete , microstructure, properties, and materials, 3rd ed, McGraw-Hill, 2006 

  11. R.K. Dhir, M.J. McCarthy and P.A.J. Tittle, Use of conditioned PFA as a fine aggregate component in concrete, Materials and structures, Vol.33, Jan-Feb, pp.38-42, 2000 

  12. Rafat Siddique, Effect of fine aggregate replacement with Class F fly ash on the abrasion resistance of concrete, Cement and concrete research, Vol. 33, pp.1877-1881, 2003 

  13. Rafat Siddique, Effect of fine aggregate replacement with Class F fly ash on the mechanical properties of concrete, Cement and Concrete Research, Vol.33, pp.539-547, 2003 

  14. V.M. Malhotra. M.-H. Zhang, P.H. Read, J. Ryell, Long-term mechanical properties and durability characteristics of high-str./high-perf. concrete incorporating supplementary cementing materials under outdoor exposure conditions, ACI Materials Journal, Vol.97 No.5, pp.518-525, 2000 

  15. 松藤 泰典 ほか, 石炭灰のコンクリ?トの大量使用に關する硏究, 日本建築學會學術講演梗槪集, pp.437-454, 1999 

  16. 友澤史紀 ほか ; フライアッシュを細骨材の一部として使用したコンクリ?トに?する?究(その1~2), 日本建築??大??術講演梗?集, pp77-80, 1997 

  17. ?光律 ほか ; フライアッシュを?割·外割でセメントに混合したモルタル硬化?の空隙·組織構造, コンクリ?ト工?年次論文報告集, Vol.20 No.2, pp.739-744, 1998 

  18. 友澤史紀 ほか ; フライアッシュを外割混合したモルタルの中性化特性, コンクリ?ト工?年次論文報告集, Vol.21 No.2, pp.109-114, 1999 

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