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심장핵의학의 현황과 전망
Current Status and Future Perspective of Nuclear Cardiology 원문보기

핵의학 분자영상 = Nuclear medicine and molecular imaging, v.43 no.3, 2009년, pp.159 - 164  

정준기 (서울대학교 의과대학 핵의학교실)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Coronary artery disease is on the rise over the world. Myocardial perfusion SPECT is a well established technique to detect coronary artery disease and to assess left ventricular function. In addition, it has the unique ability to predict the prognosis of the patients. Moreover, the application of E...


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AI-Helper 아이콘 AI-Helper

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문제 정의

  • 특히 경쟁 상대인 영상법의 장단점을 숙지하여야 한다. 셋째로 심질환의 각 임상 상황에서 어느 경우에 어떻게 핵의학 영상이 도움을 줄 수 있는지를 알고. 이를 동료 임상가와 상의하고 실천하도록 만들어야 한다.
본문요약 정보가 도움이 되었나요?

참고문헌 (11)

  1. Strauss HW, Zaret BL, Hurley PJ, Natarajan TK Pitt B. A scintiphotographic method for measuring left ventricular ejection fraction in man without cardiac catheterization. Am J Cardiol 1971;28:575-80 

  2. Wackers FJ Th. Third Annual Mario S. Verani, MD. Memorial lecture: the future of clinical nuclear cardiology. J Nucl Cardiol 2005;12:381-91 

  3. Marcassa C, Bax JJ, Bengel F, Hesse B, Petersen CL, Reyes E, et al. Clinical value, cost-effectiveness, and safety of myocardial perfusion scintigraphy: a position statement. Eur Heart J 2008;29:557-63 

  4. Kim KY, Koh CS, Lee M. Diagnostic validity of RI angiocardiography in cardiac diseases. Korean J Nucl Med 1972;6:21-39 

  5. Chung J-K, Park SY, Ryu PY, Cho BY, Kim BK, Koh C-S. A study on the radionuclide cardiac angiography in the various heart diseases. Korean J Nucl Med 1979;13:7-14 

  6. Zaret BL. Second Annual Mario S. Verani, MD, Memorial Lecture: nuclear cardiology, the next 10 years. J Nucl Cardiol 2004;11:393-407. 

  7. Davies JR, Rudd JF, Fryer TD, Weissberg PL. Targeting the vulnerable plaque: the evolving role of nuclear imaging. J Nucl Cardiol 2005;12:234-46 

  8. Bacharach SL. The new-generation positron emission tomography/computed tomography scanners: implications for cardiac imaging. J Nucl Cardiol 2004;11:388-92 

  9. Parkash R, deKemp RA, Ruddy TD, Kitsikis A, Hart R, Beauchesne L, et al. Potential utility of rubidium-82 PET quantification in patients with 3-vessel coronary artery disease. J Nucl Cardiol 2004;11:440-9 

  10. Inubushi M, Tamaki M. Radionuclide reporter gene imaging for cardiac gene therapy. Eur J Nul Med Mol Imaging 2007;34(Suppl 1):S27-33 

  11. Kang WJ, Kang HJ, Kim HS, Chung JK, Lee MC, Lee DS. Tissue distribution of F-18 FDG labeled peripheral hematopoietic stem cells after intracoronary administration in patients with myocardial infarction. J Nucl Med 2008;47:1295-301 

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