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Electrochemical Characterization of Lithium Polyelectrolyte Based on Ionic Liquid 원문보기

전기화학회지 = Journal of the Korean Electrochemical Society, v.12 no.3, 2009년, pp.271 - 275  

Cha, E.-H. (College of liberal arts & Science, Hoseo Univ) ,  Lim, S.-A. (School of AIBN, Queensland University) ,  Kim, D.-W. (Dept of chemical Engineering HanYang Univ) ,  Choi, N.-S. (R&D Center, Samsung SDI Co. Ltd.)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Five novel lithium polyelectrolyte-ionic liquid systems, using poly (lithium 2-acrylamido-2-methyl propanesulfonate; PAMPSLi) were prepared and their electrochemical properties were measured. The ionic conductivity of the PAMPSLi/1-ethyl-3-methylimidazolium tricyano methanide (emImTCM) system was ex...


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제안 방법

  • The polymer was synthesized by polymerization of AMPSLi at 80℃ in presence of K2SO8 initiator (~1 wt%). The final polymer prod니ct, PAMPSLi was dried under vacuum (~80 ton) at 65℃ for at least 48 h.n) PAMPSLi and ionic liquids (10%polymer + 90%ionic liquid was mixed in ethanol over night and then, the transparent gel samples were obtained1 * * PAMPSLi/emlmTCM (12-14), PAMPSL1/N1134 TCM, PAMPSLi/Nii34DCA, PAMPSLi/emlmTFSA (15), PAMPSLi/P666HTFSA were prepared. (Schemel).
  • Thermal analysis of samples was performed using a TA instruments differential scanning calorimeter (DSC QI00) at a scanning rate of 10℃/min over a temperature range of -150℃ to 150℃.(B니t in this paper the data of DSC was displayed from -150oC to 0℃).

대상 데이터

  • The monomer, lithium 2-acrylamido-2-methyl-propanesulfonate (AMPSLi), was prepared by the reaction of 2 acrylamide-2-methyl propanes니Ifbnic acid (Aldrich) with lithi니m carbonate (Aldrich) in a water solution placed in an ice bath. The polymer was synthesized by polymerization of AMPSLi at 80℃ in presence of K2SO8 initiator (~1 wt%).
본문요약 정보가 도움이 되었나요?

참고문헌 (17)

  1. Wataru Ogihara, Satiko Washiro, Hiromitsu nakajima, Hiroyuki Ohno, Electro- chimica Acta 51, 2614-2619 (2006) 

  2. Qing Dai, David B. Menzies, and D. R. Macfarlane, Stuart R, Batten, Stewart Forsyth, Leone spiccia, Yi-Bing Cheng, Maria Forsyth, C.R.Chimie 9, 617-621 (2006) 

  3. Hiroyuki Ohno, Masahiro Yoshizawa, and Wataru Ogihara, Electrochimica Acta 50, 255-261 (2004) 

  4. A. Stewart, Forsyth, Jennifer M. Pringle, and Douglas R. MacFarlane, Aust, J. Chem. 57, 113-119 (2004) 

  5. A. B. McEwen, H. L. Ngo, K. LeCompte and J. L. Goldman ,J.Electrochem Soc. 146, 1687-1689 (1999) 

  6. Kaori Ito, Naoko Nishina, and hiroyuki Ohno, Electrochimica Acta .45, 1295-1298 (2000) 

  7. Thomas E. Sutto, Hugh C. De long, and Paul C. Trulove Z. Naturforch.57a 839-846 (2002) 

  8. R. T. Carlin, J. Fuller, W. K. Kuhn, M. J. Lysaght, and P. C. Trulove, J.Appl. Electrochem. 26, 1147-1153 (1996) 

  9. Katsuhiko Tsunashima and masashi Sugiya, electrochemical and solid-state letter 1192) A17-A19 (2008) 

  10. Stewart A, Forsyth, Stuart R, Qing Dai, Douglas R. Macfarlane, Aust.J. Chem. 57, 121-124 (2004) 

  11. J, Travas-Sejdic, R. Steiner, Desilvestro, P. pickering, Electrochim. Acta 46, 10-11 1461-1466 (2001) 

  12. F. M. Gray. Solid polymer Electrolytes: Fundamentals and Applications, VCH,New york, (1991) 

  13. J. Sun, D. R. Macfarlane, and M. Forsyth, Solid state ionics 147, 333-339 (2002) 

  14. S. Forsyth, S. R. Batten, Q. Dai, and D. R. acfarlane, Aust. J.Chem.57, 121-124 (2004) 

  15. M. Forsyth, J, Sun, F. Zhou, R. MacFarlane, Electrochimica Acta 48, 2129-2136 (2003) 

  16. Katsuhiko Tsunashima and masashi Sugiya, electrochemistry communication 9, 2353-2358 (2007) 

  17. E. H. Cha, S. A. Lim, J. H. Park, D. W. Kim, and D. R. Macfarlane, J.of power sources 178, 779-782 (2008) 

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