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[국내논문] A Study on the Armillary Spheres of the Confucianists in Joseon Dynasty 원문보기

Journal of astronomy and space sciences, v.27 no.4, 2010년, pp.383 - 392  

Lee, Yong-Sam (Department of Astronomy and Space Science, Chungbuk National University) ,  Kim, Sang-Hyuk (Basic Science Research Institute, Chungbuk National University) ,  Lee, Min-Soo (Department of Astronomy and Space Science, Chungbuk National University) ,  Jeong, Jang-Hae (Department of Astronomy and Space Science, Chungbuk National University)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Armillary sphere, generally known as, not only astronomical instrument for observing astronomical phenomena but also symbolizes the royal authority and royal political ideology which is based on Confucianism. Among the well-reputed Confucian scholars were built their own armillary spheres. However, ...


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제안 방법

  • In this study, the components of extant armillary spheres used by Toegye, Uam, and Goedam were measured and analyzed, and their design drawings were crafted in order to restore these relics, and thus Toegye's and Uam's armillary spheres were restored.
  • One of the Four Books (Saseo) and Three Classics (Samgyeong), the Class of History, which was a must-read book for Confucian scholars, says that King Shun (Chinese leader) crafted Seongiokhyeong (armillary sphere), an astronomical instrument, to observe the sun, the moon, and the five planets. Scholars trained in the way of nature by performing astronomical observation with armillary spheres, and Confucian scholars, who aimed to achieve the unification of the heaven and man, studied the rise and fall of the sun, the moon and five planets so as to pursue the study of things and nature, the basis of studies.
  • Scientific investigations were leaded to restore the operating models of armillary spheres used by Confucian scholars. Extant relics were measured, damaged parts were analyzed, and the size and structures of extant armillary spheres were investigated. Table 1 shows the results of scientific investigations into the extant armillary spheres used by Toegye, Goedam, and Uam.
  • Design drawings were crafted on the basis of the actual measurement of the various components of Toegye, Goedam and Uam armillary sphere. Table 2 shows a comparison of the specifications and characteristics between the Toegye3, Goedam and Uam armillary sphere and the astronomical clock and armillary sphere crafted by Song I-Yeong (1619~1674) (Kim 2007).
  • Based on these records, the basic design drawings of the Toegye armillary sphere was crafted by referring to the Goedam armillary sphere. The Sipjabachim (cross support) and Yongju of the Goedam armillary sphere are well preserved to identify the structure of an armillary sphere.
  • " Lee DeokHong was the most competent Confucian scholar among Toegye's disciples; however, unfortunately, only a few components of the precious armillary atmospheres used by him have survived to present day, making it impossible to accurately identify their structures and shapes. Fortunately, in this study, the Toegye armillary sphere was able to be restored by investigating and estimating the structure of Goedam armillary sphere which was crafted on the basis of the Toegye armillary sphere.
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참고문헌 (6)

  1. Jeong, J. H.,?Lee,?Y. S., & Lee, Y. B. 2007, Astronomy and Seongiokhyeong of Goedam Bae Sang-Yeol (Bonghwa: Cheongryangsan Museum), pp.80-81 

  2. Kim, S. H. 2007, PhD Thesis, Chung-Ang University 

  3. Lee, J. G. 2006, Haven of Toegye, Honcheonui, Andong MBC Company Celebrates 36th Anniversary Special Documentary 

  4. Lee, S. J. 2007, Comprehensive Consideration regarding Hwayanggugok and Its Cultural Heritage, International Conference for Commemoration of Uam’s 400th Birthday (Cheongju: Uam Research Institute of Chungbuk National University), p.138 

  5. Lee, Y. S. & Kim, S. H. 2007, JASS, 24, 167 

  6. Lee, Y. S.,?Kim, S. H., & Nam, M. H. 2001, JKAS, 34, 47? 

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