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[국내논문] 몇 개의 전이금속 이온과 고분자와 고분자 Complex의 합성과 특성연구
Synthesis and Characterization of Polymer and Polymer Complex with Some Transition Metal Ions 원문보기

대한화학회지 = Journal of the Korean Chemical Society, v.54 no.1, 2010년, pp.43 - 48  

Badr, S.K. (Chemistry Department, Faculty of Science, Benha University) ,  Mohamed, T.Y. (Chemistry Department, Faculty of Science, Benha University)

AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

p-페닐렌 디아민과 maleic anhydride, 아세틸 아세톤과 커플된 O-아미노 페놀의 아조화합물으로 부터 폴리이미드가 만들어졌다. 합성된 폴리이미드(PA)는 DMF용매 속에 다른 몰비율로 녹아있는 $Co^{+2},\;Cr^{+2},\;Ni^{+2},\;Cu^{+2},\;Zn^{+2},\;Cd^{+2}$ and $Fe^{+3}$ 를 포함하는 전이금속이온들의 금속염들과 함께 환류되었다. 이 complex들은 원소분석열분석, IR, $^1H$ NMR으로 구조분석, 특성 연구되었다.

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Polyamide derived from azo compound of o-amino phenol coupled with acetyl acetone, maleic anhydride acid and p-phenylene diamine were prepared. The prepared polyamide (PA) was refluxed with metal salts of transition metal ions include, $Co^{+2},\;Cr^{+2},\;Ni^{+2},\;Cu^{+2},\;Zn^{+2},\;Cd^{+2}$...


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제안 방법

  • The aim of the work to prepare a new chelating copolymers containing azo group units as ligating centers with different molar ratios of metal ions, the formed polymer complexes were examined by using IR, and thermal analysis and also by using the atomic absorption spectrophotometer to determine the metal ion content in the solution of the dissolved polymer complex, from these analysis the stability of complexes were identified.

대상 데이터

  • Reagent grade chemicals were used. Elemental analysis was determined by the analytical unit of Cairo University of Egypt.
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참고문헌 (26)

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