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NTIS 바로가기한국섬유공학회지 = Textile science and engineering, v.47 no.6, 2010년, pp.420 - 425
윤기종 (단국대학교 파이버시스템공학과) , 홍경아 (단국대학교 보호복연구소)
For firefighter protective clothing, the thermal protective performance is of primary importance but its comfort should also be considered. In this aspect, the effects of the thermal barrier construction on the level of thermal protection were investigated. Various thermal barriers were prepared to ...
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J. Li, R. L. Barker, and A. S. Deaton, "Study on Heat Transfer Properties of Firefighter Turnout Clothing with Different Material Combinations", Cloth Res J, 2004, 2(1), 55-60.
P. Chitrphiromsri and A. V. Kuznetsov, "Modeling Heat and Moisture Transport in Firefighter Protective Clothing during Flash Fire Exposure", Heat Mass Transfer, 2005, 41, 206-215.
Roger L. Barker, "Modeling of Thermal Protection Outfits for Fire Exposure", National Textile Center Annual Report, 2001, pp.1-9.
D. S. Shin, Y. H. Jeon, S. M. Han, S. K. An, and E. S. Lee, "Evaluation for Thermal Protective Performance of Protective Clothing", Text Sci Eng, 2006, 43, 16-23.
D. S. Kim and H. J. Shim, "A Study on the Durability Change of Fire Fighter's Protective Cloth (I)", Text Sci Eng, 2008, 45(6), 395-400.
A. M. Stoll and A. M. Chianta, "Method and Rating System for Evaluation of Thermal Protection", Aerospace Medicine, 1969, 40(11), 1232-1237.
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