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Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Leakage characteristics of two labyrinth seals with different configurations (straight vs stepped) were investigated. Leakage flows were predicted by computational fluid dynamics (CFD) for the two configurations and compared with test data. A semi-analytical leakage prediction tool was also tried to...


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문제 정의

  • This study aimed to investigate the leakage characteristics difference between straight and stepped labyrinth seals. Two labyrinth seals were selected and their leakage flows were predicted by both the computational fluid dynamics (CFD) and a semianalytical leakage prediction tool.
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참고문헌 (14)

  1. Vermes, G., 1961, “A Fluid Mechanics Approach to the Labyrinth Seal Leakage Problem,” ASME J. of Engineering for Power, April, pp. 161-169. 

  2. Stocker, H. L., Cox, D. M. and Holle, G. F., 1977, “Aerodynamic Performance of Conventional and Advanced Design Labyrinth Seals with Solid-Smooth, Abradable, and Honeycomb Lands,” NASA CR-135307. 

  3. Stocker, H. L., 1978, “Determining and Improving Labyrinth Seal Performance in Current and Advanced High Performance Gas Turbines,” AGARD Conference Proceedings 237, Paper 13. 

  4. Tipton, D. L., Scott, T. E. and Vogel, R. E., 1986, Labyrinth Seal Analysis ? Vol. III: Analytical and Experimental Development of a Design Model for Labyrinth Seals, AFWAL-TR-85-2103, Vol. III. 

  5. Zimmermann, H. and Wolff, K. H., 1998, “Air System Correlations, Part 1: Labyrinth Seals,” ASME paper 98-GT-206. 

  6. Wittig, S., Schelling U., Jacobsen, K. and Kim, S., 1987, “Numerical Predictions and Measurements of Discharge Coefficients in Labyrinth Seals,” ASME paper 87-GT-188. 

  7. Schramm, V., Willenborg, K., Kim, S. and Wittig, S., 2000, “Influence of a Honeycomb Facing on the Flow Through a Stepped Labyrinth Seal,” ASME paper 2000-GT-0291. 

  8. Soemarwoto, B. I., Kok, J. C., de Cock, K. M. J., Kloosterman, A. B. and Kool, G. A., 2007, “Performance Evaluation of Gas Turbine Labyrinth Seals Using Computational Fluid Dynamics,” ASME paper GT2007-27905. 

  9. Kim, T. S., Kang, Y. and Moon, H. K., 2008, “Aerodynamic Performance of Double-Sided Labyrinth Seals,” Proc. of the 4th Int. Symposium on Fluid Machinery and Fluid Engineering, Beijing, China, pp. 377-381. 

  10. Kim, T. S. and Cha, K. S., 2009, “Comparative Analysis of the Influence of Labyrinth Seal Configuration on Leakage Behavior,” J of Mechanical Science and Technology, Vol. 23, pp. 2830-2838. 

  11. Waschka, W., Wittig, S. and Kim, S., 1992, “Influence of High Rotational Speeds on the Heat Transfer and Discharge Coefficients in Labyrinth Seals,” ASME J. of Turbomachinery, Vol. 114, pp. 462-468. 

  12. CD-adapco, 2007, STAR-CCM+, ver. 2.07. 

  13. Chupp, R. E., Holle, G. and Scott, T. E., 1986, Labyrinth Seal Analysis ? Vol. IV: User’s Manual for the Labyrinth Seal Design Model, AFWAL-TR-85-2103, Vol. IV. 

  14. Kang, Y., Kim, T. S., Kang, S. Y. and Moon, H. K., 2010, Aerodynamic Performance of Stepped Labyrinth Seals for Gas Turbine Applications, ASME paper GT2010-23256. 

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