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[국내논문] 임상가를 위한 특집 1 - 티타늄 임플란트의 골융합 증진을 위한 최신 표면처리 기술
Advanced Surface Modification Techniques for Enhancing Osseointegration of Titanium Implant 원문보기

大韓齒科醫師協會誌 = The journal of the Korean dental association, v.48 no.2 = no.489, 2010년, pp.96 - 105  

송호준 (전남대학교 치의학전문대학원 치과재료학교실)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Titanium implant is used as the most popular dental material for replacement of missing teeth recently. A lot of studies on the surface modification of titanium implant have been carried out for enhancing osseointegration. The surface modification techniques could be classified as follows; topograph...


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  • 본 연구에서는 지금까지 이루어져 온 대표적인 임플란트 표면처리 방법들의 특징과 최근 활발하게 진행되고 있는 표면처 리 기술들에 대하여 개략적으로 살펴보고자 한다.
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참고문헌 (17)

  1. Guehennec LL, Soueidan A, Layrolle P, Amouriq Y. Surface treatments of titanium dental implants for rapid osseointegration. Dental Materials 2007; 23(7):844-854. 

  2. 이중배. 임플랜트용 티타늄 및 티타늄 합금의 표면처리. 대한치과기재학회지 2008; 35(4):315-328. 

  3. Junker R, Dimakis A, Thoneick M, Jansen JA, Effects of implant surface coatings and composition on bone integration: a systematic review, Clin. Oral. Impl. Res. 2009;20(Suppl.4):185-206. 

  4. Song HJ, Kim MK, Jung GC, Vang MS, Park YJ. The effects of spark anodizing treatment of pure titanium metals and titanium alloys on corrosion characteristics. Surface & Coatings Technology 2007; 201(21):8738-8745. 

  5. Park YJ, Shin KH, Song HJ. Effects of anodizing conditions on bond strength of anodically oxidized film to titanium substrate. Applied Surface Science 2008; 253:6013-6018. 

  6. Jeong SH, Park YJ, Kim BS, Song HJ. Effects of oxygen content on bioactivity of titanium oxide films fabricated on titanium by electron beam evaporation. Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 2007; 7(11):3815-3818. 

  7. Mendonca G, Mendonca DBS, Aragao FJL, Cooper LF, Advancing dental implant surface technology From micron to nano topography. Biomaterials 2009; 29:3822-3835. 

  8. Abron A, Hopfensperger M, Thompson J, Cooper LF. Evaluation of a predictive model for implant surface topography effects on early osseointegration in the rat tibia model. J Prosthet Dent 2001;85:40-6. 

  9. Hansson S, Norton M. The relation between surface roughness and interfacial shear strength for bone-anchored implants. A mathematical model. Journal of Biomechanics 1999;32(8):829-836. 

  10. 오승한, 이승훈. 다양한 $TiO_2$ 나노튜브의 크기에 따른 파골세포의 부착 및 분화능. 대한치과기재학회지 2009;36(4):315-320. 

  11. 라선아, 정근영, 양은진, 이정환, 송경우, 이민호, 배태성, 김병일. Glycerol 용액에서 양극산화 $TiO_2$ 나노튜브의 생성 거동. 대한치과기재학회지 2009;36(2):97-102. 

  12. Kokubo T, Kim HM, Kawashita M, Nakamura T. Bioactive metals: preparation and properties. Biomaterials 2004;15(2):99-107 

  13. 김유경, 박일송, 송 경우, 주규지, 문영윤, 이경진, 박주미. 펄스전원으로 양극산화 처리된 Ti-6Al-7Nb 합금의 주파수 변화에 따른 피막특성. 대한치과기재학회지 2009:34(1):23-34. 

  14. Yerokhin AL, Leyland A, Matthews A. Kinetic aspects of aluminium titanate layer formation on titanium alloys by plasma electrolytic oxidation. Applied Surface Science 2002;200(1-4):172-184. 

  15. Ohtsu N, Sato K, Yanagawa A, Saito K, Imai Y, Kohgo K, Yokoyama A, Asami K, Hanawa1 T. CaTiO3 coating on titanium for biomaterial application - Optimum thickness and tissue response. J Biomed Mater Res 2007;82A:304-315. 

  16. 김동환, 이근수, 박일송, 전우용, 이민호, 배태성. 전해질 조성이 양극사화와 열수처리로 개질한 Ti-6Al-7Nb합금의 표면 특성에 미치는 영향. 대한치과기재학회지 2005:32(1):1-10. 

  17. Song HJ, Shin KH, Kook MS, Oh HK, Park YJ. Effects of the electric conditions of AC-type microarc oxidation and hydrothermal treatment solution on the characteristics of hydroxyapatite formed on titanium. Surface & Coatings Technology 2010; 204(14):2273-2278 

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