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Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

This study examines King Louis XVI costumes and his portraits according to symbolic meanings. This study analysis of costumes comes from portraits related various domestic and overseas literature, preliminary study papers, and web sites. Omnipotence, activity, nobility, openness and benevolence were...


참고문헌 (24)

  1. Adrien, G. (2005). Marie-Antoinette. New York: Assoulin. 

  2. Bae, S. J. (2000). A study on the symbolism shown by the costumes in the portraits of Elizabeth I. Korean Journal of Human Ecology, 3(1), 73-87. 

  3. Bae, S. J., Hyun, S. H., Baek, J. H., Oh, H. A., Jung, K. H., Kim, E. S., Chun, J. Y., Yoon, B. Y., Choi, J. E., & Lee, K. A. (2008). 현대패션과 서양복식문화사 [Contemporary fashion & historic costume in the west]. Seoul: Soohaks. 

  4. Ben, K. (2010, November 24). Louis XVI of France (1775). Wikipedia. Retrieved July 27, 2011, from http://ko.wikipedia.org/wiki/%ED%8C%8C%EC%9D%BC:Louis XVIofFrance(1775).jpg#filehistory 

  5. Boyer, M. F. (2006). Marie Antoinette. London: Thames & Hudson. 

  6. Caroline, W. (2007). Queen of fashion. New York: Picador. 

  7. Cho, J. M. (2006). A study on the fashion design influenced by the Rococo women's costume: Focus on the details. Unpublished master's thesis, Sungshin Women's University, Seoul. 

  8. Cho, K. H., & Lee, H. S. (2004). 패션미학 [Fashion aesthetics]. Seoul: Soohaksa. 

  9. Ham, G. G. (2010, May 11). Louis XVI. Naver cast. Retrieved June 27, 2011, from http://navercast.naver.com/contents.nhn?contents_id2627 

  10. Hong, J. Y. (2006). Antique jewelry. Seoul: Sumaksae. 

  11. Hong, S. I. (2010). Versailles. Seoul: GNC Media. 

  12. Iby, E. (2009). Maria Teresa. Innsbruck: ALPINA Druck GmbH. 

  13. Johann, W. G. (2003). Color theory (H. C. Jang, Trans.). Seoul: Minnumsa. (Original work published 1810) 

  14. Kim, J. A. (2011). The Symbolic meanings of Queen Marie Antoinette's costumes in the portraits. Journal of KoreanSociety of Design Culture, 17(1), 143-154. 

  15. Kim, J. A., & Trout, B. L. (2010). The expressive effects of Queen Marie Antoinette's costume in the movies. Journalof the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles, 34(12),2039-2050. 

  16. Kim, Y. J. (2010). A study on the formative characteristics of Rococo costume through Marie Antoinette's costume.Unpublished doctoral dissertation, Hongik University, Seoul. 

  17. Linada, N. (2001). From princess to empress: The transformation of the monarchy in the portraits of Queen Victoria 1819-1901. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, New York University, New York. 

  18. Louis XVI. (2009). Naver digital art gallery. Retrieved July 13, 2011, from http://arts.search.naver.com/service.naver?smsbx_hty&wherearts_list&query%EB%A3%A8%EC%9D%B4+16%EC%84%B8 

  19. Louis XVI. (2010). Naver digital art gallery. Retrieved July 13, 2011, from http://imagesearch.naver.com/search.naver?whereidetail&query%EB%A3%A8%EC%9D%B416% EC%84%B8&smisv_hty&ieutf8&rev13 

  20. Michel, P. (2002). Blue, history of color: From the Virgin Mary to Levi's (B. M. Ko & Y. S. Kim, Trans.). Seoul: Hangilart. (Original work published 2001) 

  21. Nam, J. H. (2009). A study of the fashion design influenced by the Rococo women's costume: Centered on work production by pleats. Unpublished master's thesis, Dakook University, Seoul. 

  22. Payne, B., Winakor, G., & Farrellbeck, J. (1992). The history of costume: From ancient Mesopotamia through the twentieth century. New York: Harper Collins. 

  23. Shinjinbutsuouraisha. (2010). 王妃 マリアント ネット [Queen Marie-Antoinette]. Tokyo: Author. 

  24. Shinjinbutsuouraisha. (2011). 世界の王室物語 [Royal families in history illustrated with the portraits]. Tokyo: Author. 

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