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[국내논문] 16세기 네덜란드 서민복식에 대한 연구- 피터 브뤼겔의 회화 작품에 묘사된 남성복식을 중심으로 -
A study on Dutch populace's costumes in the 16th century- Focusing on men's costumes depicted in Pieter Bruegel the Elder's paintings - 원문보기

The Research Journal of the Costume Culture = 복식문화연구, v.30 no.6, 2022년, pp.814 - 827  

조현진 (계명대학교)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

This study examines the social and artistic aspects of the Netherlands in the 16th century, focusing on the paintings of Pieter Bruegel the Elder (1525-1569), a repre- sentative Dutch painter at that time. Also analyzed were the types and characteristics of each item of the male populace's and noble...


참고문헌 (21)

  1. Allegretti, P. (2010). Brueghel (J. Y. Lee, Trans.).?Seoul: Yegyeong. (Original work published 2004) 

  2. Arnold, J. (1985). Patterns of fashion: The cut and?construction of clothes for men and women c1560-1620. London: Macmillan. 

  3. Bae, S. J. (2018). A study on the upward flow of the?Majo and Maja costumes in 18th century Spain,?observed in the paintings of Francisco de Goya.?Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and?Textiles, 42(1), 74-87. doi:10.5850/JKSCT.2018.42.1.74 

  4. Chung, H. S. (2010). A history of fashion. Seoul:?Gyomunsa. 

  5. Gibson, W. S. (2001). Bruegel: The greatest Flemish?painter in the 16th century (S. Kim, Trans.).?Seoul: Sigongsa. (Original work published 1977) 

  6. Gombrich, E. H. (1999). The story of art (S. G. Baek, & J. S. Lee, Trans.). Seoul: Yegyeong.?(Original work published 1995) 

  7. Han, E. S. (1999). A study on the clothing of the common people in the modern era -Focusing on the history of western costume-. Unpublished?master's thesis, Sungshin Women's University,?Seoul, Korea. 

  8. Harbison, C. (2001). The art of the Northern Renai- ssance (L. S. Kim, Trans.). Seoul: Yegyeong.?(Original work published 1997) 

  9. Hoekstra, F. (1994). Pieter Bruegel. London: Park Lane. 

  10. Jockel, N. (2006). Pieter Bruegel: Das Schlaraffenlald?(S. D. Noh, Trans.). Seoul: Random House?Joongang Inc. (Original work published 1995) 

  11. Kim, Y. H., Bae, J. Y., & Ryu, K. W. (2019). A?study on historical research on and the design of?the Caraco and Jupon -Common people's costumes in the later 18th century-. Journal of the?Korean Society of Costume, 69(3), 96-118. doi:?10.7233/jksc.2019.69.3.096 

  12. Kim, Y. H., & Kim, H. J. (2012). A study on 17th?and 18 th century common people's costumes in?France. Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing?and Textiles, 36(9), 901-915. doi:10.5850/JKSCT.2012.36.9.901 

  13. Lee, J. O., Choi, Y. O., & Choi, G. S. (1999). A?history of western clothes. Seoul: Hyungseol?Publisher. 

  14. Lee, S. H., Lee, K. S., Cho, S. H., Choi, K. H.,?Kwon, H. J., Kim, O. K., . . . Kim, H. J. (2002).?World costume and fashion information. Seoul: Gyomunsa. 

  15. Oberthaler, E., Pe?not, S., Sellink, M., Spronk, R., &?Hoppe-Harnoncourt, A. (2018). Bruegel: The?master. London: Thames & Hudson. 

  16. Populace. (2022). In Daum Encyclopedia. Retrieved?August 12, 2022, from https://100.daum.net/encyclopedia;jsessionid76743E5CCE02436C064B44C408ED387D/view/48XX12103184 

  17. Roberts-Jones, P. (1974). Fall of Icarus. Tokyo: Art?Publishing House. 

  18. Shin, S. O. (2006). A history of costume in the west. Seoul: Suhaksa. 

  19. Stechow, W. (1990). Pieter Bruegel: The elder. New?York: Harry N. Abrams. 

  20. Yoo, J. L. (1992). A study on the pictoral compo- sition and symbolism of Pieter Bruegel. Journal?of Western Art History, 4, 59-91. 

  21. Yoo, J. L., & Cho, O. S. (1999). A study on the civil?costumes appeared on Dutch paintings in the?17th century. Journal of Fashion Business, 3(2),?37-47. 

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