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[국내논문] 부정적 eWOM에 대한 이해 : 사회적 연대와 핵심 요인
Understanding Negative Electronic Word-of-Mouth(eWOM) : Social Ties and Key Determinants 원문보기

經營 科學 = Korean management science review, v.28 no.3, 2011년, pp.95 - 112  

송석우 () ,  선종학 (전북대학교 경영학부)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

The Internet has generated a number of online review sites where dissatisfied consumers can easily articulate their opinions and comments on products or services. Little attention, however, has been directed to investigating the relationship between negative electronic word-of-mouth (eWOM) and its c...


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문제 정의

  • In this study, we set out to investigate the casual relationship between intention to spread eWOM and its key determinants, as well as the mediating effect of perceived risk on the relationship. As hypothesized, we find that tie strength on the Internet is positively associated with three key determinants of eWOM:information credibility, external search efforts, and product involvement.
  • The results of this study do not, however, seem to be contaminated by the single source bias, as indicated earlier in the results of the common method bias test. Finally, this study focuses on the relationship between intention to spread eWOM and its key determinants. While the findings from this study provide insightful guidelines, further investigation of how the other underlying factors in the online context influence the consumers’ WOM behaviors may be beneficial.

가설 설정

  • According to the strength of weak ties theory [28], weak ties play a crucial role in explaining a wide range of social phenomena [9]. In the proposed model, we consider tie strength as the level of intensity of the virtual relationship between consumers.
  • Thus, we hypothesize that tie strength on the Internet has a significant impact on the consumer’s perceived credibility of the negative eWOM information.
  • H1a:A consumer’s tie strength on the Internet is positively associated with information credibility on negative eWOM.
  • H1b:A consumer’s tie strength on the Internet is positively associated with his/her external search efforts.
  • H1c:A consumer’s tie strength on the Internet is positively associated with his/her product involvement.
  • H2:A consumer’s perceived credibility on negative eWOM is positively associated with his/her intention to spread eWOM.
  • H3:A consumer’s external search efforts on the Internet are positively associated with his/her intention to spread eWOM.
  • H4:A consumer’s perceived product involvement is positively associated with his/her intention to spread eWOM.
  • H5a:A consumer’s perceived credibility on negative eWOM is positively associated with his/her intention to spread eWOM, with his/her perceived risk mediating the relationship.
  • H5b:A consumer’s external search efforts on the Internet are positively associated with his/her intention to spread eWOM, with his/her perceived risk mediating the relationship.
  • H5c:A consumer’s perceived product involvement is positively associated with his/her intention to spread eWOM, with his/her perceived risk mediating the relationship.
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