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한국 상업건축 입면현상의 비서구적 근대성에 대한 연구
A Study on Non-western modernity of Surface Phenomena in Korean Commercial Architecture 원문보기

한국실내디자인학회 논문집 = Journal of the Korean Institute of Interior Design, v.20 no.6 = no.89, 2011년, pp.218 - 227  

이상헌 (건국대학교 건축전문대학원)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Korean commercial architecture is based on two distinctive characteristics of western modern architecture: grid frame structure and free facade. However, the original facade of the building disappears as numbers of commercial advertisements and signboards representing inner programs cover up the ori...


참고문헌 (11)

  1. K. Frampton, "Industrialization and the Crises in Architecture" in Oppositions, 1983 

  2. Resurfacing Modernism, Perspecta 32, 2001 

  3. Mark Wigley, "White out: Fashioning the Modem" in Architecture: in Fashion, Princeton Architectural Press, 1994. 

  4. Colin Rowe, "Chicago Frame" in The Mathematics of the Ideal Villas and other Essays, MIT Press, 1982 

  5. Reinhold Martin, Organizational Complex, Architecture Media and Corporate space, the MIT press, 2003 

  6. Janet Ward, Weimar Surfaces, University of California Press, 2001 

  7. Hal Foster, "Between Modernism and Mass Media" in Recodings, Art, Spectacle, Cultural Politics, Bay Press, 1985 

  8. J Baudrillard, "Ecstasy of communication" in Hal Foster, the Anti Aesthetic, Bay Press, 1983 

  9. J. F. Lyotard, Postmodern Condition, University of Minnesota Press, 1989 

  10. Cho, Myung Rae, Flexible sociality and the post modernity of Seoul, Korea Journal Vol.39 No.3, 1999 

  11. 서울시 옥외광고물 관리 기본방안 연구보고서, 2000 

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